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Sandbox / GUAE False Shepherds

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While the GUAE is very reputable for having many villains who are openly proud of their villainy, or even literally put in on their business card, this subdivision mainly serves to house those who would rather keep their reputation among non-villains in at least a somewhat-positive state. A most deceptive and charismatic group of deities they are, they live to create appeal in ventures that serve evil and to keep unwanted attention off the GUAE, but mostly themselves in general. Often having various plots and services that are best kept out of the public eye to work sufficiently, the group's members value secrecy in their evil for the sake of avoiding unnecessary conflict against rivals or enemies where they can do so. You aren't going to find anyone who will tell you upright that they're among this group, unless they're lying, or about to leave the subdivision very soon.
