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Sandbox / Four Man Band Wick Check

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Here a wick check will be performed for Four-Man Band.

Why?: Four-Man Band was brought up in Trope Talk as being poorly-defined, possibly not naturally occurring, and suffering from similar problems to Five-Man Band.

Wicks checked: 5/50

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    Correctly-used examples with context (0/50) 

    Zero context examples (3/50) 
  1. Literature.Slayers: The Mazoku Lords:
  2. Series.Helene Et Les Garcons: Nicolas is the Only Sane Man, Etienne (later Sébastien) is The Smart Guy, José is the Casanova Wannabe (actually, just The Casanova without the "wannabe" part), and Christian (later Christophe) is the Butt-Monkey. No context.
  3. Characters.Borderlands 3 Vault Hunters: Moze is the Only Sane Man, Zane is the Heroic Comedic Sociopath model of the Casanova Wannabe, FL4K is The Smart Guy, and Amara is the Butt-Monkey (in that she's the most childish given her Hot-Blooded, narcissistic, thrill-seeking tendencies, not because she's actually unlucky). Almost no context.

    Misuse/shoehorning (1/50) 
  1. Series.The Inbetweeners: While Only Sane Man and Butt-Monkey are rotating roles - and all four are perverts by most standards - the basic character types are:
    • The Smart One: Will, formerly privately educated, a geek, and at least in his own mind smarter than the other guys;
    • The Only Sane Man: Simon, the everyman, constantly embarrassed by the others;
    • The Pervert: Jay, Casanova Wannabe with a self-created Urban Legend Love Life;
    • The Butt Monkey: Neil is the one who gets the piss taken by the others more than anyone else... although karma has it that he gets more action than anyone else and seems like the happiest of the lot. This seems like misuse—the opening text indicates a shoehorn.

    Other (1/50) 
  1. WesternAnimation.The Penguins Of Madagascar: Too many roles are doubled up on for this to be a Five-Man Band - but the smaller comedy-based group dymanic works well.
    • Skipper is the Only Sane Man. Of course, that doesn't mean he's normal; just that he's the basis for normal within the group.
    • Kowalski is The Smart Guy.
    • Rico is the Casanova Wannabe. The other penguins constantly comment on his perverted mind.
    • Private is the Butt-Monkey who catches a lot of suffering for being the team's rookie.
    • Gets parodied when King Julien builds his own Four Man Band in "Field Tripped". Since they are only three (Julien, Mort, Maurice) they got the needed smart guy from outside - which is...Fred. Mix of context and zero-context.

    Unclassifiable (0/50) 
