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Sandbox / CIA Cleanup FBI Thread

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CIA Evil, FBI Good cleanup:

Due to misuse, this trope is undergoing intensive cleanup to prevent past, present, and future misuse.

For starters, any moral contrast which lacks either organization or a fictional counterpart should be moved to Good Policing, Evil Policing. Any lack of moral contrast should be moved to Jurisdiction Friction or Interservice Rivalry as needed.

Any examples of the CIA being portrayed as corrupt without the FBI for comparison, can be moved to Sinister Spy Agency if need be.

Any examples of the FBI being portrayed in a positive light without CIA for comparison can be moved to By-the-Book Cop.

Any examples of the FBI portrayed as corrupt without the CIA can be moved to Dirty Cop which has "Filthy Feds" as a redirect, and should probably have a line about portrayals of FBI corruption.

Not sure what to do about positive CIA portrayals which exclude the FBI comparison, TBH.

The rest of the sandbox categories are self explanatory, though. CIA Evil, FBI Good goes to one folder set, FBI Evil, CIA Good goes to another folder set, and other moral contrasts go in the bottom row of folders.

Any moral contrast between the CIA and FBI or their fictional counterparts specifically is kept, and added to CIA Evil, FBI Good under one of the three sections. I suppose we can be flexible and include historical counterpart comparisons as well, but if it is a contrast between any other organizations, or if it just includes one organization/fictional/historical counterpart and an entirely different organization, it gets moved to Good Policing, Evil Policing.

And remember, the main page is Spoilers Off due to the frequency of reveals.
