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Roleplay / Sfile

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An alternate universe Homestuck inspired RP on the TV Tropes forum, where a group of nine (potentially ten) forum-goers are the players of Sfile.

This is mostly gonna be here as a reference for the Sfile players. The thread can be found here. The art made by Dundee can be found here.

Character list

Stuffed Animal —> Loid —> Teebert —> Bocaj —> Dead Man —> Dundee —> Phoenixor —> Space Phantom —> Anne Beeche —> Stuffed Animal

Anne BeecheThief of Bloodprototyped Pride and Prejudice + Alex Lifeson posterProspitLand of Runes and Paper
BocajSeer of Timeprototyped platypusDerseLand of Spheres and Fire (Map)
Dead ManHeir of Rageprototyped iPod + snakeDerseLand of Silence and Snakes
DundeeMaid of Voidprototyped Hitchhiker's Guide + dead dogProspitLand of Vapor and Shadow
LoidRogue of Breathprototyped a poster of self + dead dogDerseLand of Flames and Sand
PhoenixorPage of Spaceprototyped dragon + teddy bearProspitLand of Frogs and Mirrors
Space PhantomBard of Lightprototyped Ender's GameProspitLand of Sheep and Wolves
Stuffed AnimalDuke of Songprototyped a monsterDerseLand of Sea and Cities
TeebertKnight of Mindprototyped a hipsterProspitLand of River and Melody


  • Anne Beeche's uncle
  • Anne Beeche's cat
  • Space Phantom's dog
  • Dead Man's father


  • Jack Noir, Archagent of Derse
  • Jane Blanc, Archagent of Prospit
  • Doomed Youth, a Prospitian exile
  • Pacifist Visitor, a Prospitian exile
  • Bloodthirsty Tanager, a Dersite exile

Body Count

* Dead Man's real self
* Stuffed Animal's dream self
* Anne Beeche's dream self


Pages 1 - 15

It started when Dead Man's Life (DML) posted a polite and well-written call on the tvtropes forum for players for the new Sfile game. Eight forum goers responded to the thread, installed the Sfile files and started connecting with each other. Including DML the nine players were: Stuffed Animal, Loid, Teebert, Bocaj, DML, Dundee, Space Phantom, and Anne Beeche.

Loid was first into the Medium with Stuffed Animal as his server player, followed by Space Phantom and Phoenixor. Dundee was coerced into doing some kitchen cleaning by her mom despite the end of the world and couldn't connect right away. A burning factory near DML's house makes it essential that he get into the Medium soon so Bocaj connects to him as his server and helped him get into the Medium. Loid, Space Phantom and Phoenixor start killing imps in their respective parts of the Medium.

Stuffed Animal displays knowledge of the mechanics of Sfile and explains some of the basics to the other players.

Teebert's house was hit by a meteor, forcing him to run for the debatable safety of a hipster infested Starbucks. He used the free wi-fi to connect as Bocaj's server player and started placing the various equipment needed to enter the Medium. At the same time, DML connected as Dundee's server. Dundee prototypes the Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, ensuring that the upcoming life-threatening adventure would be 30% more humorous and 50% more British. Meanwhile, in the Medium, Loid went through his first gate and arrived in the Land of Flames and Sand. Bocaj obtains his entry item from the alchemiter, a coconut, and boggles vacantly at it. He prototypes a stuffed platypus and finally manages to enter the Medium by misusing the coconut as a bowling ball.

Teebert's life gets more harrowing as meteors start landing near the Starbucks, killing a hipster and causing the others to sing an elegy consisting of obscure songs. Both of these events causes Teebs some amount of consternation. Loid connects as Teebs' server and starts placing the alchemization equipment attracting the interest of quizzical hipsters and annoying Teebs. Dundee gets her entry item, a Christmas cracker, and nervously uses it as a giant wave approaches her house. In the Medium, Space Phantom makes like a Spy and backstabs copious amounts of imps.

Loid and Teebs argue about the hipsters until Loid clears them out so Teebs can get to work. One sneaks back into the Starbucks but trips and falls into the kernal sprite that Teebs just released from the cruxtruder, prototyping a hipster eventually causing Jack Noir to dance to Lady Gaga but that's getting ahead of ourselves.

DML accidentally kills Dundee's dog by dropping a totem lathe on it. Dundee grieves by killing imps with kitchen utensils but eventually prototypes the dog with the hitchhikersprite. Bocaj, having entered the Medium, goes outside to boggle vacantly at the Land of Spheres and Fire. Space Phantom goes through his first gate and reaches his land, the Land of Sheep and Wolves. Bocaj engages in some shenanigans involving not having chosen a strife specibus and learns that laserpointerkind, brokenbottlekind, and kicktheminthefacekind aren't helpful.

Stuffed Animal and Teebert individually enter the Medium and get all emotional/relaxed about the beauty of the Land of Sea and Cities and the Land of Rivers and Melody respectively. They settle down to listen to the music of their respective lands.

Bocaj gets some codes from DML and alchemizes a thermite grenade to deal with the growning number of imps in his house. He manages to set his house on fire and burn it down, which wasn't an ideal situation. After his house burns down, he eventually settles on hedge clipper kind and begins to decapitate imps with wild abandon. He takes a break from murdering when DML asks him to build his house up to the gate.

DML uses his position as her server to take Dundee's glasses to encourage her to ascend to the highest point of the building, builds up her house some more, and then makes her ascend again. He gives her back her glasses when she reaches the top.

Stuffed Animal tears himself away from the beauty of his land to explain the purpose of the gates to the players over the chat. A huge army of imps and ogres attacks the city part of the Land of Sea and Cities and Stuffed Animal disconnects to go help hold the line. After he reconnects, he has problems with his connection strength to the chat and with enemies respawning in the past after he kills them. He eventually discovers a link between the song of the city and the enemies respawning.

Space Phantom connects to Anne Beeche as her server. Rumors of an alternate and doomed timeline where Anne Beeche and Space Phantom formed a separate loop are scurrilous lies. As a meteor looms in the sky over her house, Space Phantom gets her the equipment and she gets her entry item, a codex that she tears apart to enter the Medium. In the Medium, she encounters difficulty due to the previous Ender's Game prototyping giving imps an exoskeleton.

Pages 16 - 30

A giant imp (actually an ogre) chases Space Phantom after he kicked it in the crotch to establish authority.

Anne prototypes a poster of Alex Lifeson to make her Darcysprite that much cooler. The new sprite gives her exposition about Sfile while she looks out over her land from the cliff her house is perched on. She sets out to kick ass the viking way with her uncle tagging along to help.

Dundee meets the consorts of her land, otters in waistcoats. While she's chilling with the otters, she begins building up Phoenixor's house to reach the first gate as Phoenixor kills some imps and alchemizes a Draconic Warhammer.

Loid begins searching for his second gate and spots it on a mountain near a village of his consorts, skinks.

Teebs finally assigns a strife specibus, sodacankind, and alchemizes a vortex can by combining a soda can with a fan. While waiting for imps to test his new specibus on, Teebs begins building Bocaj's burned ruins of a house up to his first gate. To make the task more palatable, he constructs all manners of death traps into the structure, ostensibly for killing imps. The death traps' first victim is nearly Bocaj but the promise of pound cake defuses his anger.

Phoenixor and Anne independently ascend to the highest point of the building and find ogres between them and their gates. Phoenixor discovers the wildly successful and probably ill-advised tactic of letting an ogre swallow him and then killing it from the inside. Anne immediately tries to duplicate this method after hearing about it from the chat, proving that Phoenixor is a bad role model.

Loid spends some time with his skink consorts but eventually leaves for his second gate. As is becoming a bit of a theme, he finds an ogre between him and the gate. But opts not to follow the getting swallowed method and kills it in a more traditional manner. Loid ascends through his second gate and Phoenixor ascends through his first.

Stuffed Animal explains to the other players about the dream kingdoms of Derse and Prospit and says that's where he's been getting his information.

Bocaj finishes building up DML's tower and DML ascends it after alchemizing some new equipment. Bocaj also ascends to the top of his tower and follows the theme of finding an ogre between him and the gate. After trying and failing to decapitate it with the hedge trimmers, and deciding not to follow the getting swallowed method, he opts to run away and alchemize better equipment.

Dundee's otter consorts lead her to some ruins. Dundee begins solving their mysteries and puzzles, not necessarily in that order. Phoenixor arrives in his Land of Frogs and Mirrors and notes that many of the titular mirrors appear to be broken. Anne's uncle gets into the alchemy equipment and accidentally alchemize a Cesna with a crowbar and a schooner sail sticking out of it. This mish mash would vex her for some time.

Space Phantom reveals that he escaped from the ogre by constructing a fort using nothing but his balisong. Anne helpfully offers him the code for a hatchet but he fails so epically at alchemizing it that it somehow becomes an invisibility watch. He then begins to build a ladder up to Anne's gate and helps her fend off some imps tearing up her garden. Afterward, he has a loving reunion with his dog Indy but safely hides him in a captchalogue card for his own protection/so his barking won't alert nearby imps.

Bocaj reaches his alchemy equipment and begins to mess around with it. His attempt to make a lightsaber hedge clipper and declare himself Darth Bocaj was a complete success unless the ability to deal damage was a desired function of the weapon.

Stuffed Animal manages to help stop the incursion of enemies into the city and informs the other players that they need to reach the top of the echeladders and work together to beat the midbosses of the game. The players get right on this.

Teebert manages to kill his first enemy through a brilliant use of a vortex can and several normal cans, putting him in a comfortable last place in terms of killing stuff. He is immediately beset by a horde of vengeful imps.

Anne ascends to the top of her non-echeladder and enters her first gate, entering the Land of Runes and Paper proper.

Bocaj finds and alchemizes a Ginsu knife into his hedge clippers and goes on a brief decapitation spree, eventually re-ascending to the top of the tower and battling several ogres before entering his first gate.

Dundee completes the puzzles of the otter ruins, which clears the fog that covered her land. Meanwhile, somebody shoots at DML in his land. DML suspects either that his dad is in the Medium or that Dundee did it. Dundee denies shooting at anyone. Dundee then finds the Legendary Weapon the Cast Iron Skillet and tests it out by hitting things with it.

Phoenixor returns to his house and begins an alchemization spree, culminating in the creation of a pair of winged boots. He attempts to SOAR through his first gate but gets knocked out by his sprite.

Loid arrives in Stuffed Animal's land with a hard landing since Stuffed Animal's house hadn't been built up yet. When he gets up he's attacked by a horde of imps. After fighting them off, he begins to build the Starbucks Teebert is in up towards the gate. Meanwhile, Anne explores a paper forest she found in her land and gets mobbed by eagles. Bocaj finds himself deeper in his land and copes with the weirdness that is Spheres and Fire and begins to head towards a large sphere he sees in the distance.

Space Phantom begins to attract herds of sheep which may or may not be the consorts of his land. They eventually get horribly slaughtered when they sacrifice themselves to buy Space Phantom time to abscond from an ogre. He doesn't take it well.

Bocaj reaches the large sphere and begins to explore its immensity. He finds an ancient kitty temple devoted to ancient kitty soothsayers and loots it of its ancient kitty seeing stone, which was left for some character called the Seer which we know is Bocaj. He sees a vision of Teebert being overwhelmed by enemies in the stone and warns him in the chat. He also sees a vision of Dundee and DML hanging out but ignores it. Teebert decides to hunker down in the Starbucks and wait for Bocaj to come back him up.

Phoenixor wakes up and punches his sprite in retribution resulting in hurt feelings all around. He gives it an apology hug and the sprite treats him to some meager exposition before flying off. Phoenixor re-enters his first gate.

DML enters his second gate, arriving in Bocaj's land but decides to return to his own land and wait for Dundee. When Dundee arrives, DML drugs her and locks her in an arena to fight ogres as a way of toughening her up.

Phoenixor continues exploring his land and fights a seemingly deserted carnival, which he begins to explore, trying out the attractions such as the Test of Strength. Space Phantom finds more sheep to be his stalwart companions. Bocaj finds and enters his second gate, taking him to Teebert's land.

Stuffed Animal enters and explores Anne's land and eventually finds the gate back to his land. DML calls to check where Stuffed Animal is and then tries to delay him from coming to DML's land. Stuffed Animal enters to gate back to his own land and meets up with Loid. They alchemize stuff together before Stuffed Animal moves on to the next gate.

A giant horde of imps and ogres arrives at the Starbucks, trapping Teebs inside and making a self-fulfilling prophecy out of the vision that Bocaj saw in the seeing stone. Bocaj arrives at the Starbucks and seeing that its overrun climbs up to the roof to try to sneak in that way to help Teebs. Loid enters the next gate and arrives back in his land. He takes the time to percussively persuade Teebs via imp to progress. The distraction allows Teebs to get swamped in a dog-pile of imps.

Dundee finishes battling the ogres in the arena and DML attempts to drug her again just as Stuffed Animal arrives through the gate and is confused by what's going on. In a panic, DML shoots at Stuffed Animal and then flees. Dundee and Stuffed Animal introduce get acquainted and Dundee attempts to explain what was going on when DML comes back and drugs Stuffed Animal through a handshaking ruse. DML tells Dundee that he plans to retreat through the gate with her and blow up the tower to prevent Stuffed Animal from following. Dundee thinks that this would put the other players in danger and prepares to stop DML if he persists.

Pages 31 - 45

DML, seeing that Dundee has pulled a weapon, grabs for his own weapon and criticizes Dundee for turning on him after all he's done for her. Dundee tries to talk DML out of fighting as Stuffed Animal's Omegasprite heads through the gate to find the unconscious Stuffed Animal. The unconscious Stuffed Animal begins to dream on Derse and flies up to talk to the Horrorterrors, who have been his source of information about the game.

DML fumbles and drops his weapon, giving Dundee the opportunity to break his arm and then knock him out via skillet to the head. Dundee begins to abscond to the next gate but remembers and goes back for Stuffed Animal, reaching him at the same time as the Omegasprite. The sprite wakes up Stuffed Animal and then flies off again.

Loid, as Teebs' server, sees him overwhelmed by imps but decides not to help him, reasoning that Teebs could use the levels. Meanwhile, Bocaj drops in from the roof of the Starbucks and begins killing his way through the crowd to try to get to Teebs. Teebs meanwhile has punched and kicked his way out of the crowd while his sprite just watched with ironic amusement. Teebs steals the jerkass' piping hot latte and uses it to kill an imp.

Bocaj gives up on getting through the crowd and attempts to distract the horde with the Angel Beats animes. His attempt was an overwhelming success. Having saved the day with anime, Bocaj and Teebert pose like a team and then compound their nerdity by alchemizing copies of Doctor Who outfits while some of the imps watching the animes explode from sheer sadness.

In his land, Space Phantom has somehow managed to get 500 sheep following him. Also in his land is Anne, who has just entered it through a gate. In a minor flashback within the same post, she talked to her sprite about a dragon with a hard to spell name that's been agitating her eagle consorts. Back in the present, Anne reaches Space Phantom's house and goes on an alchemizing session, attempting to make something that will let her turn into an eagle. Due to a sylladex mishap, she accidentally plows the Cesna through the walls of Space Phantom's house. Anne lies to Space Phantom about breaking his house and resolves that the Cesna will vex her no more.

As Dundee ascends through the next gate, Stuffed Animal examines the knocked out DML and kills him, stating over the chat that he is dead. This causes some consternation in the chat and Bocaj unhelpfully informs Dundee that he saw a vision of DML locking her in to fight ogres sometime in time. This already happened. Stuffed Animal corpsesmooches DML to resurrect him as his dreamself and then captchalogues the body in a Chekhov's Gun thus far unfired.

DML wakes up on Derse and begins to explore the area finding Dream Bocaj asleep in his tower and leaving him alone. He finds Dream Stuffed Animal and begins smothering him with a pillow. This causes Stuffed Animal to fall asleep in the Land of Spheres and Fire and wake up as his Dream Self. He fight DML and then a mutual strangle-off ensues.

Anne fails to make progress on either the eagle transformation or Cesna project and ponders poking Stuffed Animal awake but is distracted by Bocaj asking if she knows any legends about seeing stones. She does not. The strangle-off continues until Stuffed Animal sets the tower on fire with the power of Song. DML rips out Stuffed Animal's jugular with his teeth and flees the burning tower.

Teebert leeches some of DML's grist via gristtorrent and then alchemizes some new weapons so that he can kill things consistently. Teebert ascends through his first gate and emerges deeper into the Land of River and Melody.

Dundee arrives in the Land of Spheres and Fire and is perplexed by its oddity. Bocaj gives her some helpful directions. Dundee then attempts to navigate via flamethrower but gets distracted by Bocaj telling her how stupid that is, and crashes into a sphere.

Stuffed Animal's dreamself dies of a combination of bleeding out and his tower exploding. He wakes in the Land of Spheres and Fire and fires off a panicked message in the chat about what DML had done. Before the other players can really react to what Stuffed Animal said, DML arrives at Bocaj's dreamtower on Derse and shakes him awake, causing him to nod off in the waking world. This causes consternation in the chat.

Bocaj awakes on Derse and looks out the window of his dream tower only to be epically pranked by DML. Anne gets Space Phantom to knock her out so that she can awaken in the dream world and go save Bocaj. She wakes up on Prospit and immediately discards the horrible dream slippers to go barefoot. DML and Bocaj talk on Derse with DML under the impression that he had dreamed everything that happened on Derse. They almost but not quite hear the voices of the Horrorterrors.

Anne flies around Prospit but can't find Bocaj there. She remembers that there was another dream world and flies off to Derse. In a fit of unrelated boredom, Teebert declares himself Pope and appoints Space Phantom his cardinal. Anne reaches Derse and spots DML and Bocaj and launches herself toward them. DML spots Anne coming and dodges out of the way. Anne, DML, and Bocaj talk a little before DML gets bored with revealing that he has parental issues and bored with ignoring Anne and floats away. Anne and Bocaj follow him to his tower. DML reveals he recognizes Bocaj from Sfile but doesn't recognize Anne. He flies off towards his planet with Anne following to make sure he doesn't hurt anybody.

A future Stuffed Animal from five hours ahead in the timeline opens a memo to reveal more exposition about the game. He discusses Derse and Prospit, their respective inhabitants, the purpose of dreamselves, Exiles, godtiers and Quest Beds, and Denizens. Stuffed Animal mentions that he is chilling with his Denizen.

Future DML responds to the memo. He reveals that a great Blunder was made in the session and that as a result only one player would reach godtier, the others would die at least once, and their guardians would die. This causes consternation in the chat.

Teebert attempts to use Bill and Tedd logic to learn the location of his Quest Bed from his future self but his future self gets cut off before he can finish talking. Space Phantom disconnects from the memo to get hunting for his own Quest Bed.

Stuffed Animal and DML talk about the Blunder. DML reveals that killing Stuffed Animal's dreamself was one of the first stages of it and Stuffed Animal reveals that it led to a spate of revenge killings.

Stuffed Animal discusses using the Time player, Bocaj, in order to go back and change what happened but DML says that it would result in the death of everyone in this timeline. The mention of the Time player leads everyone to mention their title in a sort of title roll call with Bocaj giving Teebs a few extra titles and tells him that they're going to have crazy adventures in the future. DML reveals that after he killed Stuffed Animal and Anne, he met a Dersian named Jack and made a deal with him to do a killing criss-cross.

Future Anne starts arguing with a slightly more future version of herself on the memo. And a horrible schism starts between Space Phantom and Teebs, eventually leading to the formation and dissolution of three additional churches. These are both clearly hugely important developments.

Present Bocaj loses track of Anne and DML, opting to explore Derse. Meanwhile, DML lands on his planet with Anne still following. DML finds a grave on his planet, which is actually a supply cache left behind by his father who is disappoint. DML gets angry with Anne who is still following him. She attempts to calm him down. It doesn't work.

Dundee reaches Teebs' land and stops to level grind long enough to reach the top of her echeladder. She decides to go looking for her Quest Bed. Space Phantom also level grinds, directing his sheepish minions to crush his enemies.

Present Bocaj finally wakes up in his land and finds that he's covered in his adorable kitty consorts. He takes this discovery with his trademark lack of poise. He stops being freaked out by the kitty consort pile long enough to be flabbergasted by the amount of messages in the chat backlog. He tells Stuffed Animal upon being asked that his dreamself wasn't killed.

DML threatens to kill himself with a handgun that was in the cache in the belief that he's still dreaming. Anne tells him that he's not dreaming. DML turns the gun on Anne and shoots and kills her dreamself, remarking that he died the first time because he trusted people and that he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Future Bocaj appears before Present Teebs in an alchemized TARDIS and reveals that he's there to pick up Teebs for the crazy adventures but reveals that the adventures are back to front, causing Teebs to facepalm.

Pages 46 - 60

Future Bocaj clarifies that the back to front adventures are a fixed thing in time since a Future Teebert showed up to help Bocaj's past self. Future Bocaj also says that he needs to teach Teebs to unlock his Knight of Mind powers so that in the future Teebs can help Bocaj unlock his Seer of Time powers in the past. Future Bocaj sets the TARDIS to head towards Prospit.

Anne wakes up in her regular body after the death of her dreamself at DML's hands. She has a loving reunion with her uncle but groans over wasting her dreamself's life without accomplishing much with it. She gets on the chat to tell everyone that she's okay and that she saw the hall of the slain when she died. She tries to tell everyone on the chat that DML appears to have father issues but when she says the word "father" her sylladex captchalogues a ghost image of her own dad. Shocked, she tries to alchemize him but only creates a pile of ashes. She breaks down and starts crying on the alchemiter.

DML looks through a list of the other players in order to organize a murder list. He considers killing Bocaj first since Bocaj is his server and will be able to spy on him but decides that Bocaj hasn't done anything to deserve being killed. DML decides to flee his land since the other players might be looking for him there and watches the group chat to see what the other players are planning.

The adorable kitty horde carries Bocaj to a ring of standing stones with a familiar blue box standing in the middle. One of the kitty consorts knocks on the blue box which signals a future iteration of Teebert to leave the box and greet Bocaj. Future Teebs tells Bocaj that the box is a TARDIS, a time machine, and that Future Teebs is going to help him learn to use both the TARDIS and his abilities as Seer of Time. When Bocaj learns that the Teebs he's talking to is the future and that they're doing the back to front adventure thing, he also facepalms.

When Bocaj enters the TARDIS he sees his dreamself sleeping in it and after a short explanation where Teebs reveals that he kidnapped the dreamself, explaining why Bocaj suddenly woke up from his exploration of Derse, Bocaj decides to roll with it. Future Teebs explains that Bocaj needs to master the seeing stone in order to control the TARDIS. Future Teebs also says some random stuff that will eventually inspire Bocaj to master the seeing stone.

Stuffed Animal tells everyone in the chat that he'll be incommunicado for five hours and then disappears to do stuff. Dundee finds her Quest Bed and muses on immortality and her life thus far before rejecting the immortality the bed offers by stabbing a knife through the symbol displayed on the bed, cracking it in half. Dundee then heads for the Land of Flames and Sand without looking back at the bed. Anne's uncle uses her computer and starts talking on the group chat and Dundee and Stuffed Animal's sprite talk to him. Anne's uncle reveals that Anne keeps making piles of ash with the alchemiter.

Anne finishes making ashes and starts making urns. She fills the urns with the ashes of her family and friends. She finishes and captchalogues all the urns before finally getting back on the chat. Anne tells the other players about DML's apparent father issues and that he may be hanging around a grave in his land that she suspects may be his father's grave.

Back in his land, Loid makes a jetpack by alchemizing a car and his backpack. Then he finds his dead dog and does a second prototyping with his loidsprite. Loid then flies to his next gate, arriving in the Land of Runes and Paper. He is immediately attacked by enemies. Meanwhile, Dundee reaches the Land of Flames and Sand and after alchemizing some good boots, begins exploring.

Phoenixor wakes up from a nap and finds some imps playing poker on his stomach. He kindly lets them finish the hand before killing them. He gets up and continues exploring the carnival, finding a house of mirrors. Before he can examine the house of mirrors, he gets a message from his future self who gives him information about what he missed while he was asleep. Phoenixor vows to make DML pay for what he did. He heads into the house of mirrors and discovers the consorts of his land, chameleons, by looking in the mirrors.

Dundee muses in the group chat about what to do with DML but Anne says she promised not to kill him and that she intends to keep her promise. She also supports imprisoning him in a captchalogue card if he proves unwilling to chill out. The other players discuss the thorny issue of DML. Space Phantom suggests that they need a person to reach God Tier in order to keep DML under control but Dundee speaks out against anyone killing themselves in order to gain the power with Stuffed Animal agreeing, claiming that a suicide god tier ends up warped. Stuffed Animal also reminds everyone that a player needs both lives in order to attain god tier which disqualifies him and Anne but also disqualifies DML. Stuffed Animal also explains that a god tier player isn't invincible and that under certain circumstances could permanently die.

Space Phantom continues to lead his army of sheep against the enemies of his land, grinding out levels. Phoenixor returns to the strength tester that thwarted him before and bests it through cheating. Using the ticket obtained there and two more obtained earlier, Phoenixor explores deeper into the carnival. Dundee ascends to the Land of Sea and Cities.

In the Land of Silence and Snakes, DML blows up his tower, royally screwing over anyone that arrives in the land without the ability to fly. He spots a cloaked figure watching the explosion and sets off to kill it, assuming its an assassin sent by Stuffed Animal. When DML reaches the cloaked figure, he realizes its not another one of the players. Its a Dersian named Jack Noir who wants the players to help him overthrow the Black Queen. DML opens a memo and tries to convince the other players to join in the plans and schemes to overthrow the Black Queen but most of the players react with distrust towards DML or confusion of who the Black Queen is and whether they should overthrow her. Future Bocaj tells them that they should make a truce since nobody has permanently died at this point in time. Dundee is still the only one who decides to help so DML gets frustrated and bans himself from the memo, telling Jack Noir that the others weren't willing to help. Stuffed Animal arrives to the memo too late to support or deny the proposal but assures the other players that it won't glitch the game if the Black Queen is taken out.

Jack stabs DML a couple times out of frustration and probably some other emotions but takes DML alone to pull off the plan. He flies off to Derse and brings DML into his office, giving him a frog and a knife. When the Queen arrives in the office, Jack begins to argue with her. DML sneaks up behind her and kills her off-screen but is disoriented and not aware of what he had done. Jack demands the ring but DML insists on a trade. DML will give him the ring if Jack kills someone for him.

DML messages Dundee and asks for her location, using her willingness to participate in the plan to overthrow the Black Queen as a cover. Dundee tells DML that she's at Stuffed Animal's house in the Land of Sea and Cities. DML and Jack board a Dersian spaceship and leave for LOSAC.

Future Bocaj and Present Teebs land on Prospit and head for Teebs' dream tower. To get into the tower, Future Bocaj dresses up as a dreamself and pretends to sleepwalk while Teebs pretends to be escorting him back. The clerk is a stupid clerk and falls for the transparent ruse. Future Bocaj and Teebs head to the top of the tower and carry Dream Teebs out of the sleeping chamber but set off an alarm. When they get to the bottom of the tower, a large crowd of Prospitian guards led by Jane Blanc, the archagent of Prospit, stands in their way. Future Bocaj tries to bullshit her by claiming to have been child-proofing the sleeping chamber but Jane insists he put down the dreamself, calling it a weapon, and surrender. Right when Future Bocaj is about to get on her last nerve, Future Bocaj and Teebs are saved by explosives that they set in the past right after they escape. The explosions distract Jane and cut her off from Future Bocaj and Teebs who escape with Teebs' dreamself. Later, Jane Blanc is angered by the loss of a dreamself "weapon" and has security ramped up around Prospit.

Dundee begins to get nervous about DML and makes a memo to that effect. Stuffed Animal returns to his land and comes to save Dundee, who has gone and hidden herself. DML arrives in the Land of Sea and Cities and finds his father who is trying to kill Dundee for having a hand in DML's first death. With the help of Jack, DML kills his father and then messages Dundee telling her that he isn't coming to pick her up anymore. Dundee passes out due to the stress upon hearing that. DML gives the ring to Jack who departs for the Battlefield, leaving the Dersian spaceship to DML.

Stuffed Animal get distracted by Dundee not answering his messages to her and crashes into his Quest Bed before continuing on to where Dundee is. He arrives to find Dundee passed out so heads to Prospit to see if her dreamself is there. Dundee wakes up on Prospit to see that her sleeping chamber is guarded by a Prospitian guard. He tells her that he is there to protect her since a dreamself had been stolen. She interprets this to be DML's work and asks to be allowed to warn the other players but the guard tells her that he cannot allow her to leave or to contact the other players. Dundee is not pleased.

DML heads to Derse to kill the remaining dreamselves there. Since DML and Stuffed Animal's dreamselves are dead or being used as the regular body and Bocaj's dreamself was stolen by Teebs, that leaves Loid. DML arrives at his dreamtower and opens a memo, sending a picture and asking Space Phantom if the dreamer is him. Space Phantom tells him that its not and that the person in the picture is Nic Cage. DML is taken aback that its not Space Phantom and gets frustrated when the players in the chat refuse to tell him who it is. He claims to have killed the person and disconnects from the memo. DML can't actually bring himself to kill Loid so he leaves Derse in the spaceship.

Dundee beats up the guard and escapes the dream tower, warning the others via the chat that Prospit is in lockdown. Still nervous about DML and thinking that he's coming to get her, she hides in a dumpster and passes out again, waking up in the Land of Sea and Cities. Dundee decides to take a break rather than get back to adventuring right away.

Teebs admits over the chat that the lockdown is probably his and Future Bocaj's fault. When Space Phantom note that this may have saved the Prospit dreamers, Teebs is happy enough to accept the credit.

Stuffed Animal lands on Prospit and is immediately accosted and captured by Prospitian guards led by Jane Blanc. She takes Stuffed Animal to a holding cell and interrogates him, demanding to know where the stolen dreamself was taken. Stuffed Animal doesn't know and his having been a Prince of Derse doesn't win him any favors nor does attempting to warn Jane about DML. Stuffed Animal gets fed up and grabs a spear from a stupid guard that strayed too close and breaks out of the cell and flies away, since they didn't bother to take his equipment or anything.

Anne goes on a massive alchemizing spree and uses her sylladex's ghost image glitch to upgrade all of her equipment. She prepares to head for Prospit to help Stuffed Animal but he tells her not to come and that he'll meet her later. DML decides to head to Prospit but stops on the Land of Frogs and Mirrors to paint the ship to disguise its Dersian origins.

Meanwhile, Phoenixor has gone to sleep and wakes up on Prospit. He has an amazing daydream where he talks the guard out of his hammer and then soars through the skies of Prospit, having a jolly good time. In reality, the guard took offense at the attempt to get his hammer and knocks Phoenixor out. Phoenixor wakes up in the Land of Frogs and Mirrors and meets his chameleon consorts face to face.

Dundee's Exile, the Paranoid Voice, regrets that by attempting to help Dundee, it caused her to have a hysterical fit. It decides to leave her alone for now. Dundee goes to sleep and wakes up on Prospit, in the dumpster. She finds a guard and asks to be brought back to her dream tower.

Loid enters a cave in his land, falls through a hole, ends up in a maze, falls through another hole and ends up in another maze. He fails the maze and is sent back to the beginning to do it over again.

DML flies towards Prospit in his disguised spaceship.

Pages 61 - 75

From a perch on a castle, Jack looks out over the Battlefield that he personally strewed with corpses. He starts playing and ironically dancing to some Lady Gaga to celebrate his wanton slaughter before he gets a hold of himself and turns it off. He takes off from the castle and begins to fly over the Battlefield, searching for the White King's scepter or any survivors. The White King along with the Black King were killed off-screen.

Dundee is escorted back to her Dream Tower and apologizes to her guard for beating him up and escaping. Once again locked in the tower, she goes to sleep on the bed which is much better than sleeping in a dumpster. She wakes up in her home in the Land of Vapor and Shadows and heads for the next land after alchemizing more equipment.

Anne decides to go on a tour of the Medium and starts flying by the various planets. She begins to hear the voice of her Exile in her head but ignores it even as it gets insistent. Anne gets on the chat and tells everyone that they should occasionally do a roll call to make sure that nobody is in trouble or crazy. On a related note, she mentions that she's been hearing voices in her head. Dundee tells Anne that she was hearing voices earlier too and it was responsible for her hiding in a dumpster for an hour.

Loid continues exploring the cave, heading deeper and deeper until he reaches the cold center of his world and turns a valve located there. Turning the valve heats up the center and Loid absconds up a ladder and out of there. When he finally exits the cave he notices that the Land of Flames and Sand has become noticeably cooler. He gets on the chat and tells everyone the good news. Dundee responds, saying that she has the feeling that there might be a reward if everyone does the secret task to improve their land.

Future Teebert responds to the chat to tell the others that he is teaching Bocaj to control the aspect of Time. Present Bocaj continues to mess around with the Seeing Stone. Space Phantom asks Teebs for the code to a TARDIS or a DeLorean and Teebs gives him the code to a DeLorean obtained through shenanigans but says he can't share the code of the TARDIS because of space wacey. Space Phantom offers Future Teebs a sheep but Future Teebs refuses saying he had enough sheep in both the past and the future when he and Bocaj will have/had adventured in Space Phantom's land. Future Bocaj responds to the chat to tell Space Phantom that the TARDIS would just be a big, blue, stationary box without time powers and the Seeing Stone and gives a brief history of the stone by reading off that pamphlet that he still has. He also remarks that he and Present Teebs are doing fine and that they had just blown up Teebs' dream tower. In an unrelated turn of events, Future Teebs begins bludgeoning Present Bocaj with the Seeing Stone in an attempt to get him to learn via osmosis.

Anne fails to ignore her Exile when she notices that its more emotionally sensitive than threatening. Dundee mentions that listening to her Exile gave her the impression of being temporarily controlled by a panicking rodent. Now that Anne is not ignoring it, her Exile informs her that he's dying. Anne realizes that the only way to cope with having this bomb dropped on her is to learn how to ride a motorcycle. She convinces her uncle to teach her.

Stuffed Animal gives information over the chat about the Exiles while ignoring his own Exile, the Bloodthirsty Tanager. Anne decides to stop ignoring her Exile now that SA has confirmed its a real thing and not a fakey fake thing but her Exile has stopped responding and is just typing the letter E repeatedly which starts to give Anne a headache. She fears that her Exile died but he recovers and starts talking to her again. Loid also begins to hear from his Exile.

Anne's Exile is revealed to be the Doomed Youth who has sustained deep gashes to the chest and arm and is slowly dying sequestered inside a towering refuge. The Doomed Youth has a copy of Beauwolf that he can't read with captchalogue cards hidden inside. Anne discovers that the Doomed Youth has the same modus as she does, which alarms her since its supposed to be one-of-a-kind. She still explains to him how to use it.

Stuffed Animal stops ignoring his own Exile and discovers that it is trapped somewhere and wants help getting out. Stuffed Animal says he can't help him. The Bloodthirsty Tanager begins to bang on the walls of where he's stuck and manages to attract the attention of the Doomed Youth who thinks its a spirit of the dead and cowers at the sound. The Bloodthirsty Tanager convinces the Doomed Youth to come help him and when they meet, notices that the Doomed Youth is injured. The Tanager begins treating him. The Youth shows the Tanager the communication screen and the Tanager begins to communicate with Anne.

DML begins hearing his own Exile, the Rights Advocate/the Revenging Adjudicator. The Adjudicator demands that DML turn himself into the authorities, which DML refuses to do. The Adjudicator then demands that DML find Jack and let him kill him, which DML refuses to do.

Unrelated to all these Exile shenanigans, Present Bocaj recovers from the bludgeoning and manages to unlock the full power of the Seeing Stone by viewing time as a ball of yarn; not a line but a ball and not a ball but a line. He briefly sees the whole of time before his eyes before he finishes adjusting the stone.

Phoenixor begins work on breeding the Genesis Frog but it proves horrendously complex. Also, things keep attacking him when he's trying to get froggy genes to get their freak on.

On the TARDIS, Present Teebs tells Future Bocaj that he wants to go on a quest to unlock his Knight of Mind powers. Future Bocaj tells him that its not the time for it yet since it literally does not happen at this point in the timeline. Present Teebs dismisses that and insists so Future Bocaj agrees after looking in the seeing stone. They land in the Land of Rivers and Melody to look for a knight quest. Teebs spots one of his consorts, a wombat, who tells them that wombat Prince Tubblewump's arranged bride was kidnapped by the Evil Duke Dubbleston and that only the Knight of Mind can rescue her. Future Bocaj and Present Teebs travel to the castle of the evil wombat duke, passing the dead bodies of the failed along the way. They eventually arrive at the castle.

DML builds a bomb to use to sever the chain between Prospit and its moon in order to kill the Prospitian dreamers despite the heightened security. He ignores his Exile's insistence that he use the bomb to kill himself and flies off to Prospit's chain.

DML starts a memo claiming that he wants to turn himself in. Present Bocaj responds to the memo and accepts DML's offer in order to end all this vendetta stuff. Anne responds to the memo and echoes Bocaj's sentiment while privately having her suspicions about the offer. Stuffed Animal sees the memo but opts not to let it interrupt his game of catch with his Denizen Quetzalcoatl.

DML says that he'll wait in his Land of Silence and Snakes near his tower and that he'll stand in the open. Dundee responds to the memo and expresses distrust based on DML's track record. Phoenixor responds to the memo and asks Bocaj to bludgeon DML when he goes to pick him up. Bocaj responds that he's basing himself off the Doctor who wasn't a bludgeoner give or take the Sixth Doctor who was a dick that nobody wants to imitate. Phoenixor asks Bocaj if his TARDIS is bigger on the inside and is told that it is because in the future he makes it bigger with his space powers as a favor to Bocaj.

Loid responds to the memo to express confusion over the fact that Dundee said his dreamself was dead. Bocaj suggest that Loid take a nap to see if his dreamself is dead or not. Loid does. This sounds like a good idea to Phoenixor, who has gotten tired of all that frog breeding, so he takes a nap as well. Loid wakes up in his Dream Tower on Derse. Bocaj realizes that the conversation has gotten off track and reiterates that he'll let DML turn himself in so that they can get the game back on track. Anne says on the memo that she wants to trust DML but can't due to their previous encounter. She suggests that if he's truly acting in good faith, he'll agree to meet on neutral ground.

Jack tires of looking for the White King's scepter on the Battlefield and flies to Prospit to obtain the White Queen's ring. He notices DML's spaceship and flies over for a look.

Some time in the past, Jane Blanc received news that the White King had been killed along with the vast majority of the army of Prospit. The White Queen decides that surrendering to Derse is the only option to preserve Prospit. This decision angers Jane Blanc and she asks that the White Queen grant her the use of the White Scepter so that she can attack Derse to buy Prospit enough time to rally its forces. The White Queen refuses citing the Prospitian tradition to destroy the White King's scepter upon his death. In the present, Jane spots Jack flying above Prospit and mistakes him for the Black Queen on her way to destroy Prospit. Jane breaks into the White Queen's private chambers, kills her and takes her ring.

Jack lands on DML's ship and spots DML. He tries to talk to him but DML asks him to wait until he's done with the memo. On the memo, DML agrees to meet on any world as long as its not indoors nor easily booby trapped. Jack asks DML what he's doing and DML explains his plan to blow up the chain holding Prospit's moon. Jack offers to cut the chain for DML in exchange for the bomb he made and DML agrees.

Stuffed Animal finally responds to the memo and suggest Skaia as the neutral meeting ground. DML agrees. Space Phantom becomes suspicious of how DML's offer was worded and Anne becomes suspicious of how generous DML is being with the offer. In order to defuse the distrust, Bocaj offers to use the seeing stone to look ahead and see if DML is going to pull something sneaky. DML agrees in the chat but panics in real life, deciding that hiding in a corner with a bag on his head is the best course of action to prevent scrying.

Jack cuts the chain, sending Prospit's moon and DML's spaceship hurtling towards Skaia. DML notices that his ship is being pulled along with the moon and has to abandon ship because starting the engines cold would take too long. DML gets swiped by one of the wings of the ship and gets knocked unconscious. He begins to drift through space aimlessly.

Bocaj traces DML's temporal signature, using the time that his dreamself and DML talked on Derse to zero in on the signature. He follows DML's timeline forward and sees him talking with Jack, putting a bag over his head and then flying away from the ship. He notices that the chain tethering Prospit's moon is broken in the last vision and warns the other players in the chat.

Space Phantom forces himself to go to sleep so that he can evacuate his dreamself. When he wakes up in his tower, he shoves the guard out of the way and flies his dreamself out of the tower, away from the moon and to his own house. Dundee also forces herself to go to sleep and abandons dream tower. She flies, for the first time, and heads away from the falling moon. She notices Jack in the distance. Phoenixor was already asleep and has no problem grabbing a fallen weapon and abandoning moon.

Anne, not having a dreamself anymore is not concerned with the falling moon thing. She tracks down her Quest Bed which is marked with the symbol of Valknut, the mark of the slain. She places the urns full of ashes on the bed and muses about what was killed so that Skaia could avoid meteors.

Bocaj becomes angry with himself for not using the seeing stone to spot these kinds of problems before they're too late to prevent. He decides to go mad with power and become the Seer Victorious before his Exile's egging him on derails his train of thought. He goes to go watch Waters of Mars instead.

Jane puts on the White Queen's ring and transforms and becomes briefly overwhelmed with the influences of all the prototypings. She flies off to search for the Black Queen and feels the shudder as the chain of Prospit is cut. She flies off to the falling moon to save the Prospitians sitll on the moon and/or to fight the Black Queen. Jack, floating out in space, mistakes Jane for the White Queen and begins to follow her.

Anne starts a memo and tells everyone to rescue their dreamself if they haven't already. Bocaj takes the opportunity to reassure everyone that he is definitely not contemplating going mad with power but he could be lying. Anne ignores that and asks the other players if they know where the meteors are being redirected to. Future Stuffed Animal tells them that the meteors are redirected to Earth.

Dundee lands on Skaia and finds a small shed to hide her dreamself in. She wakes up and tells the others that she rescued her dreamself.

Anne gets angry that an entire world full of people, Earth, had to die for the sake of the game and tells the players in the chat as much. Bocaj tells her that even if thats the case, they can't exactly ragequit the game. Stuffed Animal agrees and tells the others that playing the game is worth it for the Ultimate Reward, which is a brand new universe. The reward doesn't appeal to Anne who suggest aborting the fetus and finding whatever is responsible for the game and destroying it.

Bocaj reminds the others that DML is still out there and can still read their memos and tells the others that he saw DML working with a Dersian (Jack). Space Phantom says that they should password protect the memos from then on.

Stuffed Animal further explains that in order to get the Ultimate Reward, Phoenixor, as the space player, has the breed the Genesis Frog. Space Phantom says that its important to protect him from then on but Future Teebs gives the spoiler that in his time, Phoenixor is still alive. Future Bocaj adds that Phoenixor survives due to a banana and that it was the most amazing use of a banana he had ever seen.

Future Bocaj and Present Teebs enter the Evil Duke's wombat castle and get the guards to take them to the dining hall where the Duke is eating. The Duke gives them a challenge: pick the princess out of a pack of imposters. If they choose wrong, harm is implied. Future Bocaj gives Teebs some non-referential advice for unlocking his Knight of Mind powers. Teebs tries to get into the Duke's mind, to see the world as he sees it, and looks for any tells but he gets fed up with the exercise and kills the Duke with a combusting soda can. He decides to take all the female wombats to the Prince and letting him pick out the right one. Future Bocaj comments that its a clever solution but not really Mindy.

Phoenixor finds a safe place on Skaia to hunker down and drifts off while getting an odd craving for bananas. He wakes up back in his land and resumes the frog breeding before getting bored and wandering off home for a banana. He obtains the banana but while he's at home, the realization strikes him that his family is dead. He grieves for a time before heading back to the carnival, making note of broken mirrors.

DML regains consciousness IN SPACE and flies to his dream tower on Derse's moon to recover, reasoning that no-one would look for him there.

Loid discovers that he can fly as his dreamself by falling out a window. He eventually gets bored and wakes up in the Land of Flames and Sand.

Dundee wanders the city of the Land of Sea and Cities, checking out the vendors and seeing the sights before finding a gondolier that takes her to the next gate. She ascends using the feathered jacket that Stuffed Animal gave her.

The Exile Dogged Jailer is introduced, keeping a watch on someone he calls his "charge" to fulfill orders despite his superiors being killed on Prospit's moon.

Stuffed Animal's Exile tells him that he won't hear from him again. Stuffed Animal flies to the Battlefield to survey the damage and sees all the death and destruction caused by Jack's rampage and the impact of the moon. Stuffed Animal also finds a castle that can be used as a meeting point and informs the other players before going to sleep.

Present Bocaj gets bored and totally not mad with power and decides to work on his Land's issue since its the popular thing to do. He lands the TARDIS in the Land of Spheres and Fire and goes to interrogate his adorable kitty consorts about the land.

Anne lusts for the destruction of Sfile and wonders whether that would entail the destruction of Skaia as well and what the consequences of that would be. She decides on a wait and see policy.

Space Phantom creates a memo to check on how everyone is doing but two unknown characters called squiddleTron and uninformedCatboy respond to the memo. squiddleTron demonstrates a level of hero worship for Space Phantom who has never heard of him. Anne, Stuffed Animal, and Dundee resond to the memo in confusion of who these two new people are. uninformedCatboy introduces him and squiddleTron as "trolls which are not humans." squiddleTron reveals that the trolls failed their session and that he contacted Space Phantom for help.

DML is startled by the introduction of two more people, assuming that they will side with the other players against him. In his startlement he slams into his dream tower, knocking himself out.

A future Stuffed Animal dreams of the horrorterrors, of Green Suns, other worlds, Incipispheres, universes and things like that before waking up in a cold sweat.
