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Recap / X Men Evolution S 4 E 3 Target X

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After being kidnapped by Omega Red, Wolverine manages to escape to a nearby forest. There he finds his clone, X-23, on a personal mission to destroy the person responsible for creating her: Madame Hydra. Now, the two team up to take on Hydra and destroy the Hydra base. Meanwhile, Cyclops and Jean Grey try to teach the New Mutants much more advanced ways of using their mutant abilities.

Tropes included:

  • Asshole Victim: Wolverine believes Hydra got what they deserve for hunting X-23. When Madame Hydra corrects him that it's the other way around, Wolverine remains unsympathetic as Hydra is still at fault for ruining the girl's life.
  • Call-Back: The last time they met, Wolverine calls her to leave before Shield can catch her. It turns out that Wolverine wanted X-23 to hide some where and stay at the institute once the heat is off. X-23 didn't.
  • Cool Teacher: Cyclops and Jean turns out to be this to the surprise of the New Mutants.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Hydra is defeated and Shield doesn't know that X-23 is still alive. Wolverine discovers this and happily chooses to keep it a secret for her sake.
