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Recap / Two Of These People Are Lying 2 X 03

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Episode Title: The Sweaty Column


  • Continuity Nod: Tom mentions the time he was rude to Gary in 1x01 for dismissing his answer on the basis of it's absurdity (Tom was also proven wrong); and he does so again. His reasoning this time was due to the supposed "Batlow" river Gary talks about directly contradicting information Tom had researched for a video about short rivers that had yet to be released.
  • Contrived Coincidence:
    • Both Gary and Chris knew something about the real Hagia Sophia. Had Tom chosen Chris, he still would've been wrong technically as it wasn't his article, but he knew a fact about it and used it without disrupting Gary's description of the article, which was his. Tom believed Matt's unrelated folk band story instead and lost.
    • Gary talks about a 3 feet river called Batlow, and Tom calls his bluff as it directly contradicted information Tom had researched for a video about short rivers that hadn't released at the time they were filming.
  • Distinction Without a Difference: Matt says the article of Hagia Sophia didn't say it was a stub, but it was stub-length, which has Chris laugh tremendously afterward.
  • Icarus Allusion: Gary warns Tom of his overconfidence when striking out his answer for Batlow. He later says "Careful Icarus" when Tom run through all their descriptions, with Gary scowling all the way through. Since Matt's article description was correct, Tom was indeed correct to trust his gut this time around.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Tom uses the word "Conurbations"note  to refer to Matt and Chris's as a collective noun village when asking for facts.
  • Shameless Self-Promotion: Tom mentions to Gary that "he'll just have to watch the video" (this one, to be precise) to know what makes a river. Gary immediately calls him a "Self-promoting F***".
  • Shout-Out: To Citation Needed 1x01 where Matt compares the lobster gag in that episode to a former gold mine, referring how it turned into a place to plant Crab Apples.
