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Recap / Tower Of God Jahads Princess

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The 8th story arc of the Tower of God series consisting of chapters 31 - 34 from the first season. The arc centers around the Regulars all getting trained in their respective roles for the Position Test while Endorsi Jahad confronts Anaak about being a fake Jahad Princess.

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2F - Jahad's Princesses

    Season 1: Ch. 31 (Chapter 31) 

During a meal at the cafeteria, Bam and company are seen hanging out and eating together at one of the tables. While getting her meal, Endorsi from the dreaded 3-man-team (along with Rachel and Ghost) is left confused as to why everyone else is enjoying themselves despite everyone being enemies trying to climb the Tower. In addition, Khun and Endorsi catch a glimpse of one another getting an idea as to who the other actually is. Endorsi decides to take a seat with them, which Bam attempts to befriend Endorsi for the sake of Shibisu's and Hatz's friendship signings. However, she rejects it claiming that she's not allowed to date, and isn't even interested in making friends. Before Bam could push any further, he's interrupted by Anaak, who reveals to the group that Endorsi is actually a Jahad Princess. In return, Endorsi reveals that she's technically a step-sister to Anaak.

Later on, the Ranker teacher, Hax, begins a training session for the Fishermen on an arena of tall white pillars. The goal being to knock the other Fishermen off until only one remains. All the Fishermen are given needles to fight with, which Endorsi and Anaak stand ready to square off against one another. Endorsi asks what happens if they fall off the pillars, which Hax makes it clear that the fall might injure them to the point of failing out of the class. The pillar survival game begins, which Endorsi decides to wait it out until others have been defeated. However, Anaak instantly jumps over to Endrosi's pillar looking for a fight.

Endrosi remains confused as to why Anaak would challenge a Jahad Princess, especially without the Green April, but Anaak answers that that is the reason why she's attacking. In return, Endrosi orders Anaak to not look down on a "real" Jahad Princess, but Anaak questions if there are actually any real ones since Jahad Princesses are just people who had Jahad's power passed down to them, and aren't his actual daughters by blood. Thus, Anaak calls Endrosi a "fake." Endrosi finds being called a "fake" ridiculous, and gets motivated to teach Anaak a lesson the difference between a "real" and "fake" Jahad Princess.

    Season 1: Ch. 32 (Chapter 23) 

Khun is shown taking part in Lero-Ro's class for Light-bearers where they're learning how to use Lighthouses. Basically, he puts himself into a cube-like object known as the Lighthouse, and within it, Khun sits at a computer-like interface where he can access all information of the Tower while acting as a command center to communicate with allies outside the Lighthosue. Finding the class boring, Khun instead focuses on Endrosi and Anaak. He thinks over how he could tell that Endrosi is a Jahad Princess due to her special hair-pin, but finds the whole situation with Anaak being a Jahad Princess to be odd. Especially the detail that only Rankers are handed down a 13 Month Weapon, yet a newcomer Regular in Anaak has the Green April. Working his Lighthouse, Khun uses the opportunity to look up information on Anaak Jahad, and is surprised to find that said person has apparently already passed away.

Meanwhile over at the Fishermen class, the pillar arena fight between Endorsi and Anaak goes down. Endrosi remains on the defensive jumping from pillar to pillar while Anaak chases after her. Every time Anaak tries to attack, Endrosi avoids it, which they shove other Fishermen that they come across off their pillar during the chase. Endrosi taunts that she's now shown the difference between a "real" and "fake" Jahad Princess since Anaak can't touch her, which Anaak throws away her class training weapon to fight with her own strength. Anaak enhances her legs with shinsu to charge at Endrosi faster than before, which Endrosi's surprised to see that the former's already capable of such a technique. However, Endrosi dodges it, and counters by slamming Anaak down onto the pillar.

As Anaak lies on the pillar, Endrosi admits that the former does indeed have the power of a Jahad Princess. However, Endrosi adds that it still doesn't change the fact that Anaak is a "fake" given that the real Anaak Jahad is already dead. Thus, Endrosi explains her theory. That the Anaak before her has Jahad's power and the Green April because she's actually the original Anaak Jahad's daughter. The first one ever born from a Jahad Princess.

    Season 1: Ch. 33 (Chapter 33) 

A bit of exposition is provided about King Jahad where after building up his own Kingdom within the Tower, he went about adopting a bunch of daughters from his Ten Great Families. King Jahad then passed down his power to these adopted daughters, and they became the powerful and beautiful swords known as Jahad Princesses that go about protecting his Kingdom. However, a rule is in place that to make sure that Jahad's power doesn't spread, Jahad Princesses aren't allowed to fall in love and make babies as a newborn would inherit Jahad's power. Thus, the Jahad Princesses are known as the "shoes of the King's display case" that can't be touched.

In the present, Endrosi explains to Anaak how the original Anaak Jahad lived. It turns out that Anaak's mother went against the Jahad Princess rule where not only did she fall in love, but she ended up getting pregnant as well. Thus Anaak Jahad and her lover ran away so that she could marry, and give birth to the child in secret, which they named the child Anaak just like the mother. King Jahad eventually found out about this, and was furious enough to have Anaak Jahad and her husband killed. However, due to the Green April going missing, rumors spread that the newborn daughter was still alive somewhere, which Endrosi states that she confirmed the rumor to be true after seeing Anaak's actions during the Crown Game. Endrosi asks why the original Anaak Jahad chose such a misfortunate path, which causes the daughter Anaak to think about her mother.

The story flashes back to a time when daughter Anaak was living with her parents. One day, Anaak asks her mother why the latter gave up being a Princess to marry her dad, which the original Anaak explains that it just turned out that she fell for him. However, she assures her daughter that the latter is still her most beautiful piece of jewelry, which makes daughter Anaak happy. Back in the present, Anaak states that her mother was happy. That the worst thing that happened was her mother's sister killing the cook that they were living with. Thus, as the new Anaak Jahad, her goal has been to kill every Jahad family member of the Tower out of revenge for her father's death.

Anaak attacks once more. Endrosi remains confused as to how the daughter Anaak doesn't understand that the original Anaak Jahad broke the rules. That by breaking such a necessary rule, the daughter Anaak was given Jahad's power for free while Endrosi had to rise up the ranks and earn her place to be adopted and made a Jahad Princess. However, Anaak doesn't see how that's a problem, which she manages to hit one of Endorsi's shoes to make the latter lose her balance at the edge of the pillar. Before falling off, Endorsi manages to grab hold of Anaak as well, which causes them both to fall to the bottom of the arena, and get heavily injured from the fall.

Their duel comes to an end due to being too injured to move, which Endrosi asks Anaak if her mother regrets what she did. Anaak remembers back to the day that Jahad's pursuers attacked their home, and her mother sacrificing herself by staying behind so that her daughter can escape with the Guide, Evan. Back in the present, Anaak answers "maybe," which irritates Endrosi due to how unclear of an answer that is.

    Season 1: Ch. 34 (Chapter 34) 

Thanks to Lauroe's tutoring, Bam continues to show improvements controlling shinsu in Yuga's Wave Controller classes, which he can now pop up to two balls with shinsu bullets. The same amount as Hoh, which shows that he already caught up to where Hoh's at as a Wave Controller. Bam, Hoh, and Lauroe discuss class afterwards, which it turned out that Lauroe continued to tutor Bam as thanks for the latter finding his sleeping pillow. Khun then pops up to talk to Bam, but Hoh leaves irritated over the situation as he realizes that he's beginning to fall behind Bam. Something that Hwaryun notices.

Meanwhile, Khun reveals to Bam the incident that happened in Fishermen training, which surprises Bam to hear that Endrosi's and Anaak's injures have set themselves up to fail despite being Jahad Princesses. Khun isn't surprised a fight happened given how complicated the Jahad family is, but Bam feels bad, and desires to help them. In return, Khun tries to point out that Bam is already on a path where he will have to make people fail in order to climb the Tower, but Bam remains determined to have an ending where everyone can be happy. Going along with it, Khun thinks up an idea that will not only save Endrosi, but make her their friend.

The injured Endrosi remains lying in her bed hungry for food while worrying about all the future heat people will be giving her if they find out that she failed the Floor of Tests as a Jahad Princess. Suddenly, Bam arrives at her room with a tray of food; following along with the plan that Khun came up with. Much to Endrosi's confusion, Bam puts the tray out of her reach by holding it up above her with a rope. He then pulls out the Scout friendship slip, which Bam explains that he will only give her food when she signs it. Endrosi refuses at first believing that she can just take the food from him, but Bam's able to keep the food out of reach given her injuries. After several failed attempts, she's finally forced to sign. Meanwhile, Shibisu tries the same food tray on a rope stunt with the injured Anaak, but he ends up failing miserably.

Long Summary

    Endorsi Jahad
Endorsi confused at the sight of her rival Regulars getting along

At the Floor of Tests cafeteria, Endorsi is seen purchasing a bibimbap meal with her test points, and thinks to herself that she doesn't like having to resort to this method just for food. Looking over at one of the cafeteria tables, she notices that her rival Regulars from the previous tests, such as Shibisu, Serena, Hatz, Hoh, and Lauroe, are all now eating together, and having a good time, trying to get added to Shibisu and Hatz's friendship lists. Realizing that the group has gotten larger as the Position Test days goes by, Endorsi is left confused wondering if it's ok for rivals to hang out with one another.

Bam and Khun are seen walking up to the cafeteria counter this time for bibimbap and ham omelet meals, as the latter notices Endorsi nearby. Despite Endorsi catching that Khun got her attention, she is given her meal, and begins to walk to a table. Khun and Bam get called as well to sit with the other Regulars. Endorsi notices that her food happened to have meat in it, and is struggling to decide if she should eat it or not. Sitting down with the group of Regulars, Endorsi is shown to be struggling to decide if she should eat her meal or not.
Bam tries to befriend Endorsi

Endorsi hears all around her the scout Regulars continue to try to one up one another about the amount of friends they've collected so far. Bam informs Hatz that he will go along with him later to try to help him make friends, which Khun butts in reminding Bam that Hatz's temper will continue to be a problem. Hatz counters Earrings by stating that no one asked for his opinion, which causes Regulars to laugh that Khun had been given such a nickname. Confused about the mood around her, Endorsi thinks back to how she got caught up in this situation, and remembers that Bam had asked her to sit with them when she tried to go back to the counter for a different meal. She also admits that Bam comes off as someone that is difficult to refuse when he asks for something.

Bam next turns his attention to Endorsi, and asks her if she could be one of Hatz's friends. Looking at Hatz, she finds him decent looking, and asks Bam if he's trying to pair them up. Bam goes along with it stating that Hatz's body is also well-built, and can show her some cool sword tricks. However, Endorsi refuses, and answers Bam that she's someone that's not allowed to date. Bam is left surprised that she comes from such a strict household, which Endorsi agrees that it's annoying due to her father loving his daughters too much. Bam next asks why she isn't ok with just being friends, which Endorsi answers that she's someone who doesn't believe in platonic relationships between opposite sexes.
Anaak reveals to everyone that Endorsi's a Jahad Princess

Bam remains confused at Endorsi using the word platonic, which she tries to explain that it's like purchasing nice looking shoes, but never taking them out of a showcase to try on, which Bam admits that it sounds difficult. Their conversation is then interrupted when Anaak walks buy; finding it shameful that a Jahad Princess is choosing to hang out with the rest of the Regulars.

The Regulars all around Endorsi are left stunned at the revelation of there being two Jahad Princesses, Anaak and Endorsi, amongst them. Bam next asks Endorsi if the two of them are related, which she answers that they are technically step-sisters; luxury shoes displayed in the same showcase. Seeing Shibisu trying to convince Anaak to eat with them, Endorsi adds that Anaak's also technically a fake Princess, which Bam states once more that it sounds difficult.

At a later time, the class for the fishermen Regulars gets going. The fisherman teacher, Hax, informs her class that instead of a lecture today, she will be providing the Regulars with a simple test. Providing her Regulars with an arena of multiple white circular pillars to stand on top of, Hax explains that the aim of the test is to be the last one standing by jumping around the pillars to knock other Regulars off, and that the test will end when only eight Regulars are remaining on the pillars.
Hax provides the pillar test arena for her fisherman class

Hax also provides a red needle to each fisherman as their only means of a weapon to use, and states that the results of this test will have a big impact on their final Position Test score. She asks if the Regulars have any questions about her test, which causes Endorsi to raise her hand. Endorsi asks if there's any protection at the bottom of the pillars due to the fall possibly killing them, which Hax answers that there is, but it's not a perfect safety net, and that the possibility of getting hurt is there. Hax informs her fishermen students that getting injured here will result in the complete fail of her Position Test, and announces for the test to begin.

The test starts, but the fishermen Regulars remain completely still standing on top of their white pillars. Endorsi deduces that they've all gotten cold feet hearing that the protection below them isn't perfect, and figures that there won't be many amongst them that can jump across the chasms between each pillar. She continues her deduction that no one will be dumb enough to attack her due to everyone finding out that she's a Jahad Princess, and figures that her only real threat here is Anaak.

Endorsi believes that Anaak is someone that isn't crazy enough to just attack her straight out, and decides to take the time to have a moment to relax. However, she is surprised to find Anaak jumping over to the pillar right in front of her. Seeing Anaak stand before her, Endorsi is left annoyed that Anaak would be dumb enough to challenge her head on despite knowing that she's one of the Jahad Princesses.
The two Jahad Princesses square off

However, Anaak answers her that the reason she's here is because of that fact. Jumping toward's Endorsi's pillar, Anaak yells that she hates the sight of the Jahad symbol in Endorsi's hair, and wants to break it everything she sees it. She then takes a swing at Endorsi with her red needle, who quickly dodges out of the way.

Standing opposite one another on the same pillar, Endorsi asks Anaak if she can truly beat her without the strength of the Green April, and asks for Anaak to not look down on a real Jahad Princess. Anaak questions what Endorsi is referring to when she brings up the meaning of a real Jahad Princess, and wonders if there actually is one amongst the bunch. She then calls Endorsi to be a fake as well, and prepares to fight. Throwing away her red needle, which falls off the pillar, Endorsi informs Anaak that she finds it absurd that she's been called a fake. She then claims that she doesn't care if Anaak calls herself a Jahad Princess or not, but that Anaak will need to be taught a lesson to understand the difference between a fake and a real. Endorsi readies herself to take Anaak on with just the strength of her fists, then informs Anaak that the green lizard better be prepared to show just how strong a fake Jahad Princess can be.

    Light-bearer Class
Khun taking part in Lero-Ro's class for the light-bearers

Switching over to the light-bearer Regulars, Lero-Ro, serving as their teacher, is heard instructing them from an unknown location. Khun is seen inside a box with information screens, and floating boxes, seen all around him, and a floating white screen with a keyboard in front of him, which Lero-Ro explains that what the light-bearers are currently in at the moment is known as a lighthouse. Lero-Ro continues the explanation by stating that the lighthouse is considered to be the center of a battle as the person inside the lighthouse gathers information on the battle, and sends commands to the other Regulars of the team.

Smaller cubes, with one giant cube, are seen floating around Khun, which Lero-Ro explains to be storage devices to help the light-bears manage data more efficiently. He also mentions that lighthouses are connected to the network of the Tower's information bureau, which will allow for light-bearers to gain data on stuff that the Tower has already archived.

Lero-Ro asks for the light-bearers to complete a simple exercise to control the cubes in their lighthouses in order to find personnel information, which Khun finds to be a boring task. The first step Lero-Ro asks is for the light-bears to grab the data search cube, and move it over to the giant main cube that's connected to the Tower network.
Khun uses his lighthouse to look up information on Anaak Jahad

While completing the task given to him by Lero-Ro, Khun has his mind on a different subject, and deduces that due to the hairpin worn by Endorsi, as well as what Anaak had told them in the cafeteria, she is truly a Jahad Princess. However, he finds it odd that the chosen Jahad Princesses only appear once every hundreds of years, and yet they somehow ended up getting two at the exact same time in their group. Khun figures that the problem with the appearance of two Jahad Princesses has something to do with Anaak, as he hears Lero-Ro give the second instruction to now open the giant cube, and bring up the search window to type in the Ranker, Lero-Ro.

Khun continues his deduction that it's rare for a Jahad Princess to have a weapon of the 13-month series passed down to them, but it's only the chosen Princesses that have reached the top of the Tower to become Rankers that get the weapon. However, Khun finds it confusing how Anaak had the Green April despite being a newcomer to the Tower.

He hears Lero-Ro asking the light-bears if they see his profile in the search cube, and jokes how the lighthouse can be used to search for information on celebrities, such as himself. An idea comes to Khun to use the lighthouse to search for information on Anaak Jahad, and is able to find the profile. Khun discovers that Anaak Jahad was chosen to wield the Green April after she had become a Ranker, but also finds out that she had already passed away.

    Fisherman Class - Endorsi vs. Anaak
Endorsi vs. Anaak

Returning to the fisherman class, Anaak and Endorsi are seen battling one another across the arena pillars. Keeping up with Endorsi, Anaak taunts her for continuing to run, and not actually keep her word about showing off the strength of a true Jahad Princess. They continue to jump along the pillars, and end up reaching one of the locations of another fisherman Regular. Anaak tries to punch Endorsi, but she steps out of the way, which causes Anaak to punch the other Regular.

She chases after Endorsi along the pillars once more, and eventually come to Deod's location. Deod tries to swing at Endorsi, but she informs him that that's not the proper way to use the needle. Grabbing Deod's arm, Endorsi uses his arm to swing the red needle at Anaak, who continuously dodges each strike. Deod is left at her mercy; not able to control himself due to Endorsi's strength. She continues to force Deod to fight, but Anaak finally gets a kick in on his head, which forces Deod off the pillar. Endorsi sarcastically calls herself a dirty girl for dumping the guy she had been toying with, but Anaak orders for her to stop acting like this is all a joke.

Still being chased by Anaak, Endorsi lands at the location of another Regular, but she kicks him off the pillar before he could do anything. Endorsi points out that there's now only nine Regulars remaining, which annoys Anaak knowing that Endorsi is going to remain on the run until she knocks one more person off to end the test. Endorsi taunts her that all Anaak has to do is catch her if she wants a proper fight, and mentions that Anaak still hasn't come close to touching her. She taunts Anaak once more that this is the gap between a real and a fake Princess as Endorsi's able to make everyone else fall off the pillars while also keeping away from the green lizard.
Anaak lies in defeat after Endorsi throws her into the pillar

Not saying another word, Anaak drops her red needle, and prepares to charge Endorsi once more; claiming that she will finally be able to touch her. Seeing shinsu gather around Anaak's body, Endorsi finds it surprising that she can already use it given that they just learned about it the other day. Anaak then zooms over to Endorsi's location, and while she tries to dodge out of the way, Anaak manages to grab her foot, and throws her into the air.

Zooming to Endorsi once more, Anaak claims that next will be her face, but Endorsi manages to grab Anaak's foot in return midair, and asks what Anaak is doing to the treasure of the Tower. Endorsi then throws Anaak downward, and watches as the green lizard crashes against the top of one of the pillars.

Endorsi lands on the pillar that she threw Anaak into, and sees the green lizard now laying down in defeat. Endorsi admits that Anaak displayed enough power to be considered on the level of a Jahad Princess, but states to the green lizard that she still can't be Anaak Jahad as she's already dead. She goes about calling the green lizard a fake once more, but reveals that she's already guessed what the Anaak Jahad laying before her truly is.

Making the connections, Endorsi states that due to Anaak Jahad having already passed away, that the one before her has similar power to a Princess, but actually isn't one, and that that she somehow got hold of the Green April, the green lizard laying in front of her is Anaak Jahad's daughter, which would technically make her Endorsi's niece. Endorsi also reveals to the daughter Anaak that her existence is the reason for the original Anaak Jahad's death.
Jahad Princesses not being allowed to marry or have children

An explanation of King Jahad's family tree occurs at this point. Jahad was the first to ever make a contract with a Guardian of the Tower, and would go on to make himself the Tower's King. He had a number of powerful Princesses that served as his sword to protect King Jahad, and the residents who worshipped them. However, its explained that there wasn't a single Princess that was actually Jahad's daughter in blood. They were instead adopted over from the Ten Great Families, or other special factions. These Princesses received the power of Jahad, but none of them actually had Jahad's blood in their veins. The Princesses were also restricted from marrying a man, or allowed to give birth to a child, as it would have the possibility to spread the power of Jahad that was given to them to the off spring. These Princesses are described as the King's showcase of beautiful shoes that are displayed in front of everyone, but no one can have them. However, a rare case could happen where one of the shoes walks out on their own.

Back to Anaak and Endorsi, the latter explains to the former that the true Anaak Jahad was chosen as a Jahad Princess, and was able to quickly climb the Tower to become a Ranker. Thanks to her prowess, Anaak's mother was given the Green April. However, she would one day end up falling in love with someone, and would have a relationship with him in secret. The problem arose when it was discovered that Anaak Jahad had a baby.
The true Anaak Jahad choosing to have a baby despite Jahad's law

The mother Anaak Jahad chose not to give up the baby, which caused the two of them to run away, and live with the baby in hiding. King Jahad would soon find out about this, and furiously ordered for Anaak Jahad, and her lover, to be killed. Eventually, the two were found, and killed, but were never able to find out what had happened to the 13-month Green April.

As a result, a rumor had spread in Jahad's castle that the daughter of Anaak Jahad was alive, and had the Green April with her. Endorsi explains that she didn't believe the rumor at first, but seeing Anaak's daughter in the Crown Game fighting with the Green April was such blatant proof to confirm that the rumor was true. Endorsi reveals that she made the decision during the Crown Game to give up on winning it in order to meet Anaak's daughter, and to instead complete the Floor of Tests with her. Endorsi states that the reason she wanting to meet daughter Anaak is because she wanted to ask her why her sister, the chosen Anaak Jahad, decided to go the misfortunate path.

A flashback occurs for Anaak as she's seen playing outside a small house while her parents, Princess Anaak Jahad and her husband, are heard fighting about the clothes that the princess should wear out in public since they are now in hiding, and going out with expensive looking clothes will make them look suspicious.
Anaak's memory with her mother

Mother Anaak leaves the house needing a break from her husband, and notices that daughter Anaak had found a glittering gem. She asks her daughter if the gem is for her, but receives no answer. Daughter Anaak asks her mother if she had a fight with dad, which mother Anaak tries to deny. She then asks her mother why she married dad, because of what her mother told her about how if she didn't marry dad, they could be living a good life at the top of the Tower as big celebrities.

With a happy look on her face, she states that her husband tricked her; having been tempted as a naive princess to become his wife, and asks her daughter to marry a guy that can make her rich and wealthy. Daughter Anaak answers that she will, which mother Anaak begins to pat her head, and thanks her knowing that her daughter will help her live later in life. She finishes their conversation stating to her daughter that she's the best piece of jewelry she could ever have as the two Anaaks head back to the house ready to eat their meal that the man of the house prepared for them.
Anaak Jahad gets ready to fight Endorsi Jahad once more

The flashback ends, and Anaak states to Endorsi that her mother loved chicken pies, and was lucky enough to be married to the only man of the town who knew how to make chicken pies. Getting up to a sitting position, Anaak then states that the only misfortune that was brought to her mom was the chicken pie cook getting killed by her mother's own sister. Now standing up, Anaak makes the claim that she's here to get revenge for her father, the pie cook, and to kill everyone connected to Jahad as a means to complete her revenge. Announcing herself to be Anaak Jahad, she charges at Endorsi, and claims that she will be the first to die.

Endorsi dodges out of the way of Anaak's low kick, and counters Anaak's story that her mother was at fault for violating the rules set by King Jahad, and spreading the power of Jahad to an off-spring. Anaak attempts to attack again, and states that she doesn't understand why that's considered a crime. Dodging out of another low attack, Endorsi answers that she was someone who worked hard to be chosen as a Jahad Princess, and yet she stands before someone who got a free ride having Jahad's power passed down to her, which makes it a crime. Anaak taunts her that she doesn't care about the difference, which enrages Endorsi. However, she ends up shocked having noticing that the heels on her shoes have started to break.
Anaak manages to force Endorsi to the edge of the pillar

Thinking back to the previous attacks, Endorsi realizes that Anaak had intentionally been aiming for her shoes as Anaak taunts her about how stupid it was for Endorsi to wear high heels in a fight. Anaak manages to push Endorsi back to the edge of the pillar, who fears that she's about to fall off, and calls out for help. Managing to grab Anaak's arm before falling off the pillar, Anaak gives off a trollish smile knowing that she now has control over Endorsi's life. Endorsi begins to sweat, and begs her niece not to drop her since its not confirmed that they will survive at the bottom.

However, Anaak begins to take swipes at Endorsi's hands in order to force her to let go. She then pinches one of Endorsi's arms to the point of getting swollen, which finally gets her to let go. Anaak laughs in complete victory, but goes completely when when she realizes that Anaak had grabbed on to her her feet.

She orders for Endorsi to let go, but Endorsi continues to pull in an effort to make them both fall off the pillar together. High above the arena, Hax continues to watch the fight as she wonders to herself what the two Jahad Princesses are doing. Hax is also left disappointed that the other fisherman Regulars continued to just stay put this entire time.
Endorsi and Anaak lie injured and defeated at the bottom of the pillar arena

Having fallen to the bottom of the white pillars, Anaak and Endorsi are seen lying on the ground complaining about their injuries. Endorsi complains that she wishes to have gotten insurance for her legs, which Anaak hopes that they're broken. Endorsi counters that she can't even see Anaak's legs, which enrages Anaak to point out that she will eventually grow up to have longer legs then her one day. Endorsi counters by stating that it's impossible since there's a possibility that Anaak is older than her, but Anaak next points out she's still technically her aunt. Turning to face opposite directions, the two of them remain silent for a while, but Endorsi finally speaks to ask if the mother Anaak Jahad ever regretted her decision. Looking up to the sky, Anaak ends up having another flashback.

Anaak remembers back to the last moment with her mother when Jahad's agents have found their location, and have begun to burn the surrounding area to the ground. To save her daughter, Mother Anaak Jahad asks her to hold onto the hands of her savior, revealed to be Evan Edroch, in order to escape before Jahad's agents find out that she had given birth to a daughter. However, before daughter Anaak could leave, she hands over the shiny gem that she found earlier, which mother Anaak Jahad thanks her for. Evan then escapes the area with daughter Anaak at hand as she sees her mother in the distance continue to shrink, but still seeing the shine of the gem she had given her.

    After Position Training
Bam shows his improvement in the wave controller class

Back to the present, Anaak is still seen looking up at the sky, and gives Endorsi the answer that she probably didn't. However, this answer annoys Endorsi, who wishes for a more definite answer.

At the room for the wave controller class, Bam and company sit by, and watch as Hoh uses his shinsu to pop balloons that are floating in the air. Yuga confirms that popping just two balloons is Hoh's limit so far, and asks for Bam to be the next to take his test. Bam steps forward, and activates the shinsu in his hand. He manages to pop two balloons, which Yuga points out that it's an improvement from before. Yuga calls for the next wave controller, as Hoh gives off a sigh of relief that Bam still hasn't passed him.

Following the end of the wave controller class, Bam, Hoh and Lauroe are seen taking it easy. Bam thanks Lauroe for the advice earlier, and states that it was hard to pop just one previously, but now he can pop at least two. Hoh questions if Lauroe had been giving Bam some secret lessons, which Lauroe answers that he was as a repayment to Bam for helping Lauroe find his pillow the other day. Hoh admits to finding Lauroe amazing, finding the time to teach a competitor, which Lauroe answers that he doesn't care since he believes it to be a guarantee that he won't fail. Hoh gives off a half-hearted laugh in agreement knowing that his claim is the truth.
Hoh storms off in anger knowing that Bam has already caught up to him

At this point, Khun arrives at their location to inform them of something, but Hoh gets up to leave, stating that he has things he's got to prepare for. Watching Hoh walk away, Khun asks what's wrong with him, but neither Bam or Lauroe know the answer. He then gets back to what he was talking about originally. Hoh continues to walk away on his own, but anger has taken hold of his face knowing that Bam's been improving to the point of almost bypassing him. Hwaryun watches the enraged Hoh walk by her, but doesn't say a word.

Back to Bam, Khun informs him that due to what went down in the fishermen class, Endorsi and Anaak could possibly fail the test. Bam questions what happened, which Khun answers that they beat the hell out of each other for no legitimate reason. Bam asks another question regarding the fact that the two are technically siblings, which Khun answers once more that their family history is complicated, and its clear as day that the two don't like each other. He also points out that its a bit funny that two Jahad Princesses are now on the verge of failing the 2nd Floor. Saddened by the news, Bam wonders if there's a way to help them, which confuses Khun. Bam answers him that he just feels bad at the thought that the two of them could fail, which Khun explains that this is the result of a fair competition, and choosing to help the two Jahad Princesses, who did poorly in the fishermen test, would be unfair to the two Regulars that would fail in their place.
Khun informs Bam that there's a way to keep Endorsi from failing

Bam continues to feel bad about it, but Khun points out that the only reason Bam has made it this far is because people before him had to fail, and he will have to make others fail as well in order to continue climbing the Tower. Bam still refuses to believe it, but Khun answers that this is a problem that neither of them can solve. Remaining silent for a moment to think it over, Bam wonders if there's any way for everyone to come out happy in the end, which Khun answers that only the God who created the Tower would know the answer. Bam asks him what God he's referring to, which causes Khun to look up, and state that he only knows that he's at a higher place than them. At this point, Khun comes up with a solution that may help the Jahad Princesses. Khun explains to Bam that there may be a way to help Endorsi if they're able to make her their friend, but informs Bam that it could be a bit dangerous. Including having to purchase an eel from the Floor of Tests cafeteria, he begins to provide Bam with several other instructions.

Resting in her room, and unable to move due to her injured leg, Endorsi's stomach rumbles due to getting hungry. However, her unsettled face turns blue knowing that she hasn't eaten since the day before, and because she failed hard in the pillar test, she has only a few points left that just spending it on food would cause her to fail the Floor of Tests completely.
Endorsi realizes that she's screwed due to her poor results in the fisherman class

She starts to feel even more anxious knowing that she would become a laughing stock of the Tower if people found out that she failed the 2nd Floor as a Jahad Princess, and blames Anaak for how this all turned out for her. The hunger gets to her even more, and figures that she could just fry the green lizard, but also wishes that she had learned how to eat shinsu.

Looking at the door to her room, Endorsi is left begging that someone who had fallen in love with her would open the door, and shown to have spent some of their Position Test points to bring her food. She continues to hope that a miracle will happen, and finally hears someone knocking on the door. She hears Bam on the other side informing her that he's brought her some food, and wishes to come in. Endorsi sins herself for making the miracle occur, which confuses Bam.

Now inside Endorsi's room, Bam sits at her bedside holding a rope that's dangling the food tray above her. Endorsi is left annoyed at what she's seeing, and asks what Bam is trying to pull. With a smile on his face, Bam answers that he can't give her the food until he signs the paper he's holding.
Khun's plan, offer the injured Endorsi food in exchange for her friendship signing

Looking at the paper, Endorsi realizes that its the friendship paper from the scout Regulars, and deduces that Bam is actually a really stubborn guy. Endorsi claims that as a Jahad Princess, she won't fall for such a trick, and goes for the food tray. However, Bam pulls it up again out of Endorsi's reach; unable to stand up to grab the tray due to her injured leg. Bam lowers it again, which Endorsi tries to go for the tray once more claiming that she was just stretching. However, Bam pulls it up again, which enrages Endorsi.

Holding up the friendship paper again, Bam informs her that the eel meal is good for stamina, and asks once more for Endorsi to sign the paper. Endorsi informs him that she doesn't eat meat, which prompts Bam to point out that she's looking thin and white at the moment due to not eating meals such as this one. Hearing Bam call her thin, Endorsi gives off a smile, and agrees with Bam's compliment. She then admits that she should eat more meat and fish once in awhile, and grabs the paper from Bam. However, Endorsi points out that the only reason she hasn't been eating meat is because she doesn't like greasy stuff, and doesn't mind getting fat even though she physically cant. Seeing Endorsi write her name on the paper, Bam thinks back to what Khun had told him about how to befriend a Jahad Princess, and remembers that the key word was to inform them that they're too thin. However, Endorsi stops writing when she realizes that she's the last of the ten names on the friendship paper.
Shibisu attempts Khun's plan with Anaak

Bam is confused as to why that's a problem, which she explains to him that she's never been placed anywhere lower than first place, and will only truly sign this paper if she's the first name. Still confused about Endorsi's complaint, Bam tries to get her to properly sign it, but ends up letting go of the rope holding up the food tray. The food drops onto him and Endorsi, who punches Bam for ruining her meal. Bam calls her out for the punch, but Endorsi tries to deny it claiming that the plate hit him.

In Anaak's room, Shibisu tries to pull the exact same food stunt claiming that this is a method that works well to get people to sign his friendship paper. Holding the rope, Shibisu asks Anaak to sign the paper, but is ordered by Anaak to drop the food to her, or she will kill him. At this point, Shibisu gives in, and lets Anaak have the food.

Position Test Tropes

  • Backstory: Anaak's Dark and Troubled Past is shown here. Due to her mother's decision to break Jahad's rule to have a family, Jahad sent out agents to kill off Anaak's mother and father, which left Anaak to grow up on her own.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Easily the biggest example of this trope for a Story Arc so far unrelated to Bam due to his wave controller training. The main focus is instead on the Jahad Princesses, Endorsi and Anaak.
  • Exposition:
    • How lighthouses work for light-bearer Regulars are explained here. Basically, they serve as the command center of a battlefield where information is gathered by the light-bearer, who then creates a solution for the team to follow in order to claim victory. It's also described in a similar way to working a computer.
    • King Jahad's family tree is also explained here where he doesn't have any actual daughters that are blood related, but are adopted over from the Great Families and such, and these adopted Princesses would get Jahad's power bestowed upon them. So in order to make sure an uncontrolled spread of Jahad's power throughout the Tower doesn't occur, Jahad's Princesses aren't allowed to marry or have children.
  • Goal in Life: Anaak wishes to kill off the Jahad family in order to get revenge for the deaths of her parents.
  • The Reveal:
    • Endorsi, the yellow-dressed Regular from Rachel's team, is revealed to be a Jahad Princess.
    • Anaak is a fake Jahad Princess, because her mother, who had already passed away, was the true chosen Jahad Princess, which also technically makes Anaak out to be Endorsi's niece.

Alternative Title(s): Tower Of God Zahards Princess
