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Recap / Time Stop Brave Ch 11 Sail and Stop

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On day 3 of their voyage, Sekai is bored. Fury is seasick and she and Leafa just stay in their cabins all the time. He tells Niña he is worried that something will attack them, like a kraken, pirates, or a ghost ship. Suddenly, they spot a gigantic dragon in the sky approaching them. Leafa steps onto the deck and says it is Bahamut, the King of Dragons. Bahamut speaks, asking if they were the ones who summoned him. They don't know what he is talking about while Sekai nicknames him Shenron because of his talk of being summoned, so he angrily prepares to launch a fireball. Sekai realizes he left his video game controller in his cabin and runs to get it, causing Leafa to call him a coward. He finds it and notices his scabbard is pressing down on the D-Pad. He freezes time and steps out to see the fireball launched and Leafa swinging her sword like a baseball bat, trying to knock it back. He asks if she is crazy and gropes her.

He summons Gankichi and has it get in a lifeboat and row it to tow the ship away from the fireball. When he unfreezes time, everyone is confused that the fireball missed. Sekai decides to try out the controller's D-Pad and discovers he can control Bahamut's moves, making it go back and forth in the air. As everyone is shocked, Bahamut yells at him to cut it out and tries to launch a fireball, but he makes Bahamut turn so it misses. He wonders if Bahamut is the real Player Character. Bahamut suddenly launches another fireball, forcing him to freeze time and have Gankichi tow the ship away again. Sekai tells him to give up. Bahamut can have his freedom, as long as he helps him whenever he needs it. Bahamut angrily attacks again in a variety of ways, from fireballs, his tail, his claws, and his wings. Sekai keeps evading them while the ship's crew are amazed. After another time freeze, Sekai is suddenly on Bahamut's head. Bahamut says no human has ever ridden on him before and finally surrenders, acknowledging Sekai as his master. Leafa thinks that besides surprise attacks, Sekai might be unbeatable.

A few days later, Fury recovers from her seasickness and steps onto the deck, shocked when she sees Bahamut on top of the ship. Niña and Leafa explain how Sekai became his master and Leafa asks just who is Sekai? They spot land on the horizon and Leafa says she can see the city on Mount Cape near the sea. Bahamut decides to flap his wings to get them there faster. When they reach the dock, the people are scared of seeing a dragon, so Sekai tells him to make himself scarce. Bahamut flies into the sky. As they leave the ship, Leafa says she has her own business to take care of, but warns them that if they are meeting the King of Mount Cape, beware his retainer woman. Sekai asks what she means, but she walks away. They go to the castle. Bahamut lowers a Tin-Can Telephone to Sekai and asks if he wants him to destroy the castle, but he says no.

The party is escorted into the castle and they learn the King of Mount Cape is a little boy. Standing next to him is an extremely attractive mage in a sexy dress. The King says he is glad to meet the Brave who saved the citizens of Belltree. Sekai asks how he knows about that. The mage introduces herself as Lovisa and explains every member of the League of Mages can instantly communicate with each other no matter where they are in the world. Many mages live in Belltree and they shared how he saved them. Sekai notices how the King is deferring to Lovisa and realizes she's really the one in charge. Sekai freezes time, gropes Fury, then strips and gropes Lovisa, marveling at how her breasts are even larger that Fury's. He puts her clothes back and unfreezes time, causing Fury to cover herself because she noticed what he did. The King and Lovisa explain that every night, the capital is attacked by ghouls, undead monsters. Lovisa tried to deal with them, but they keep coming back. However, a Brave who could handle the Realm of Darkness could possibly stop them. Sekai finds this a little suspicious, but says he'll take the case. As the party leaves the castle, the King asks Lovisa if it was really appropriate to ask the Brave for help. She tells him to trust her, and he admits he is nothing without her counsel. Lovisa looks out the window and is intimidated seeing Bahamut in the sky.

Since the ghouls only come out at night, Sekai's party decides to get something to eat, then sleep in an inn until the sun goes down. Niña says she heard the shrimp in this town is really good. They run into Leafa, who asks if they met Lovisa. She says Mount Cape is now a puppet of the League of Mages. Ever since Lovisa became the King's advisor, members of the Council of Swordmasters like herself are banned from the castle. She is sure Lovisa is up to no good. That's why she is here, to investigate her. Sekai asks if she wants to join them for shrimp and she accepts.

That night, an army of ghouls emerge from the ground. Sekai freezes time and destroys a few before unfreezing time, then tells his party they have to destroy the head or neck to defeat them. Bahamut offers to use a fireball on the ghouls, but Sekai says no because that would damage the city. Sekai says it is time for Ghoul Hunt Night to begin.
