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Recap / The VeggieTales Show

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This is the recap page for The VeggieTales Show.

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    Season 1 
  1. God Wants Us to Make Peace: Bob and Larry are putting the gang back together for a biblical theater troupe. When Bob gets caught up in making everything perfect, it causes friction amongst the gang.
  2. The Best Christmas Gift: The VeggieTales crew put on a Christmas show in Mr. Nezzer's theater. But when the play goes awry, Bob wonders how he can celebrate Christmas during these hard times.
  3. A Lifetime Supply of Joy
  4. The Power of Love
  5. It's Cool to Be Kind
  6. A ShakeSparagus Play
  7. When Being Good Means Giving Up
  8. Little Things Matter
  9. Patience Takes Practice
  10. Being Gentle Makes You Great
  11. LarryBoy and the Cape-Coat Caper
  12. The Wonderfulness of Wisdom
  13. Forgiveness Brings the Fixing
  14. A Tale of True Courage
  15. Samson's Bad Hair Day
  16. The Giving-est Day
  17. The Good Shepherd
  18. The One and Only You!
  19. LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows Trouble
  20. Don't Give Up On Doing Good
  21. Don't Stop Believing
  22. LarryBoy and the Emperor of Envy
  23. Naaman Takes a Bath
  24. LarryBoy and the Menacing Mushroom
  25. LarryBoy and Awful Alvin's Grudge
  26. The Grumble Cure
