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Recap / The Raccoons S 2 E 8 "Read No Evil!"

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Airdate: 1987

After meeting old hermit Herman Zechariah Stroll, Bert and Cedric learn there's oil in Beaver Bite Swamp which Cyril plans to drill for.

Read No Evil! contains examples of:

  • Foreshadowing: There are several hints that Herman can't read; he doesn't label his spices, he can't make out the title of Bert's book, and he doesn't bother to read signs or documents and often needs them explained to him.
  • Happier Times Montage: After getting evicted from Beaver Bite Swamp, Herman thinks of all his fond memories growing up there.
  • Never Learned to Read: Due to living in a swamp most of his life, Herman never learned how to read.
  • A Plot in Deed: The only thing that can stop Cyril from building oil wells in Beaver Bite Swamp is if somebody else has the deed to the swamp in their possession. It turns out Herman's father gave him the deed long ago, but Herman couldn't understand its importance due to being unable to read.
  • Suspender Snag: During the flashback of Herman's memories of growing up in Beaver Bite Swamp, Herman remembers his mother first getting him dressed. Young Herman jumps into his overalls while his mother holds them by the straps, causing him to snap back into her arms when he tries to run off.
  • Visible Odor: Bert comes home to the Raccoondominium smelling like swamp, with green stench lines emanating from him.
