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Recap / The Pretender S 1 E 21 Dragon House Part 1

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Jarod goes in search of Kyle, another escapee from the Centre, and finds an unexpected link to his family.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Bad Habits: Kyle briefly disguises himself as a monk after his target hides out in a convent.
  • Braces of Orthodontic Overkill: Jarod spends some time as an orthodontist, and has a patient with braces that have a circular wire attached which goes around his whole head.
  • Briar Patching: Jarod takes part in an FBI investigation where the agent in charge takes a disliking to him, and at one point gets himself out of chasing off after what he knows will turn out to be a false lead by making a point of how much he wants to follow the lead and would hate to be stuck doing desk duty.
  • Character Name Alias: Historical figure version. As an FBI agent, Jarod uses the surname Ness, as in the Prohibition agent Eliot Ness.
    Korkos: Ness?
    Jarod: No relation.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: It's strongly implied during this exchange that being told Jarod had died is what pushed Kyle past the breaking point.
    Jarod: Kyle, you know me. I'm Jarod.
    Kyle: They said Jarod was dead. Now, I decide who lives or dies!
  • Evil Counterpart: Kyle, a Pretender who was under Mr. Raines' control at the same time Jarod was under Sydney's, and who has the same powers as Jarod but puts them to less admirable uses. This is underscored in a sequence where he uses his Pretender powers to put one over on FBI agents who are after him, which is structured exactly the same way as when Jarod pulls a similar trick on a villain.
  • Friend to All Children: For all his issues, Kyle has a soft spot for kids. While hiding out at a gas station, Kyle observes a father ignoring his son's desperate pleas to go to the bathroom and making like he'll hit him if he doesn't stop talking. Kyle assaults the father for his behavior and happily tells the kid where the bathroom is.
  • Madness Mantra: Kyle's "I decide who lives or dies".
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Kyle got his distinctive scar on his hand during a simulation with Jarod. It was supposed to be safe, but Raines switched the materials to make it as real as possible. Regardless, Jarod was devastated to have injured his friend.
  • Not Quite Dead: One of the ways that Raines worked to break Kyle was lying about Jarod being dead.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When attempts at reasoning fail, Jarod is fully prepared to shoot Kyle dead.
  • Positive Friend Influence: Jarod was a calming influence on Kyle during their youth. In the present, Mr. Raines freely admits he considers it a mistake to have let Kyle anywhere near Jarod.
  • Post-Treatment Lollipop: In the opening, Jarod is pretending to be a dentist, of all things, who gives the children he treats a lollipop after their appointments. One of two boys opens both of theirs and swipes one under his armpit before handing it to his brother.
  • Room Full of Crazy: Kyle does the more restrained version: no writing on the walls, but he keeps a journal which contains nothing but his Madness Mantra written over and over.
  • Shout-Out: There's a throwaway line identifying three FBI agents as Agents Charles, Foster and Kane.
  • Sounding It Out: Jarod and a fellow science project secretly communicating using Morse code, in a flashback. (Notable as a case where, in real life, they'd not only have no reason to speak out loud, but would have good reason to keep their mouths shut for fear of being overheard.)
  • Torture Is Ineffective: During their childhood, Jarod noted for a simulation that it was the anticipation of pain that gets results, whereas the violent act itself does not. In the present, Kyle cites this moment when grilling Harriet.
  • Wham Line: The end of the episode, after Jarod questions why he was stopped from opening fire.
    Harriet: I stopped you because Kyle is your brother.
  • Wham Shot: While reviewing footage of the original case, Jarod briefly sees a woman attempting to console Harriet before realizing she's on camera. Concerned, Jarod rewinds and confirms his suspicion: the woman is his mother.
