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Recap / The Body Reflects the Heart, the Shadow Reflects the Soul Chapter 6

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Shadows and Strikers

Akane watches the news, astonished to learn about her father being a Phantom Thief. Zenkichi then enters their home as Akane excitedly greets him. The inspector shows off his attire and Persona to his daughter as he reveals his connection to the Thieves.

Meanwhile, inside the Shadow Operatives' base, Mitsuru converses with Aigis and Labrys about the other countries' current statuses and more news. Mitsuru leaves the operations room as she reminiscences the past, specifically the events with Shido and EMMA. She soon meets up with the rest of the Shadow Operatives, during which they discuss the types of Shadows and the Phantom Thieves' power levels. Eventually, as the Shadow Operatives file out with new orders, Mitsuru mentions a new member joining. Yukari, who stayed behind, vows to prevent more deaths from happening as it did with Minato and Shinjiro.

Akane and Zenkichi briefly talk about the former having the possibility to Awaken to her Persona. They remember the loss of Aoi before Akane asks her father if she could join the Phantom Thieves after her Awakening occurs.

Aigis detects a presence outside the Shadow Operatives' base and confronts the person waiting outside, revealed to be Kuon Ichinose, who is looking for the group for assistance alongside her daughter. Aigis becomes confused before Ichinose pulls out her phone to reveal Sophia.
