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Recap / The Body Reflects the Heart, the Shadow Reflects the Soul Chapter 4

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Zenkichi returns to the office, where Commissioner Kaburagi confronts him about the Shadow Outbreak. He shows her his Thief attire and relays how and when he obtained his Persona. The inspector promises to explain what happened as Kaburagi requests him to come to her office.

A few days pass as Zenkichi informs the public about the Metaverse, Personas, and Shadows, even as Shadows appear in other cities across the world. The other Thieves push themselves to their limits running damage control as much as possible and, in Futaba's case, researching the outbreaks.

After a long day of college lectures, Joker is venting his frustrations against Shadows when he meets up with Violet and Oracle, bantering for a bit before Oracle senses the presence of other Persona-users entering the city. Joker leads the way.

The Investigation Team has arrived in Tokyo, and Rise senses the three Thieves approaching them. Yu, reasoning that the Thieves' navigator is tracking them, tells the team to split up but stay in range. Oracle senses and reports this, that only the two strongest are staying to meet them. Joker reasons that they have a Navigator, which means they went through similar ordeals to the Thieves, and a plan forms to gauge their character.

Yu and Rise tentatively enter an alleyway in Shibuya, where Oracle makes her presence known atop the building while Violet and Joker pen them in from both sides.
