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Recap / That70s Show S 1 E 5

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Eric's Burger Job is the fifth episode of the first season of That '70s Show. It aired on September 27, 1998.

Eric is so preoccupied with his job at the new Fatso Burger that he misses many chances to hang out with Donna.


  • Burger Fool: Eric's temporary job at Fatso Burger is mediocre, he has a silly outfit, and his boss is embarrassing. He's afraid to quit because Red wants him to learn responsibility and all that stuff, even though Donna and Kitty both try hard to get him to quit. Eventually he does quit, and Red doesn't mind.
  • Special Guest: Danny Bonaduce appears as Ricky, the Fatso Burger manager.
  • Terrible Interviewees Montage: Eric, Hyde, Kelso, and Fez all interview for a part-time job at Fatso Burger. The latter three give terrible answers resulting in Eric getting hired.
    Ricky: Why do you want to work for Fatso Burger?
    Eric: I feel it would be a wonderful experience.
    Kelso: My girlfriend's dad owns it.
    Fez: I love the uniforms.
    Hyde: To unionize the workers, man.
    Ricky: Tell me, what do you consider your best quality?
    Eric: I'm a real people person.
    Hyde: I don't answer stupid questions.
    Fez: I speak Dutch.
    Kelso: My eyes... and I guess my butt too.
    Ricky: Name something about yourself that you consider to be a weakness.
    Eric: I allow people to boss me around.
    Fez: I love chocolate.
    Hyde: I'm brutally honest... Pinhead.
    Kelso: [tilts back in his chair in thought and falls over]
    Ricky: Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Eric: Fatso Burger.
    Fez: Covered in gold chains.
    Kelso: Rock star... no, movie star... no, rock star.
    Hyde: Prison.
