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Recap / Superstore S 3 E 17

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"District Manager"

Cloud 9 receives a new female district manager, Laurie. When Amy accidentally admits to her that Myrtle isn't good at her job, she has to find ways to cut the budget so Laurie won't fire Myrtle. Meanwhile, Dina tries to hide her pregnancy from Laurie and Jonah games the system to improve his UPN stats.


  • Continuity Nod: After Marcus asks if it'd be okay to defend Hitler if he had been a woman, Cheyenne asks if it'd be okay if Oprah hosted the Holocaust, a reference to the debate back in "Workplace Bullying" when the group decided that Oprah was the opposite of Hitler.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Marcus tells Jonah and Amy that defending Laurie just because she's a woman is in itself a form of sexism and that they'd happily complain about a male manager for much more petty reasons. In the end Jonah concedes his point but still tells him to use a word other than "bitch".
  • Felony Misdemeanor: Garrett set Mateo up to be busted for changing his employee stats because Mateo said ''Star Wars'' and ''Star Trek'' are the same thing.
  • Godwin's Law: When discussing whether it's sexist to be lenient on Laurie just because she's a woman, Marcus asks if they'd defend Hitler if he were a woman.
  • My Secret Pregnancy: Dina doesn't want Laurie to know she's pregnant, and tries to hide her growing baby bump whenever they interact. She eventually resorts to padding her body to look fat all around instead of just her belly.
  • N-Word Privileges: Discussed when Justine insists that only women can say "bitch" because they reclaimed the word, and Mateo retorts that the gays took that word.
  • Orphaned Punchline: A visual variant. Jonah and Amy speed through their slideshow, and Laurie notices one slide includes a graphic of Donkey from Shrek. Amy explains it was supposed to illustrate a "budget pun" that doesn't really matter anymore. Subverted when Laurie asks for the joke's context, and Jonah explains, "Only an ass would keep writing blank Shreksnote  for Donut Thursdays."
  • School Grade Hacking: Mateo goes into his boss's computer and changes his checkout stat (UPM score) to be phenomenally high.
