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Recap / Solar Opposites S 3 E 4 Hululand

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While the Solars go to Hululand, Tim appears to try and get everyone out of The Wall.

  • All Just a Dream: The entire episode turns out to be Tim's Dying Dream.
  • Biting-the-Hand Humor: The Solars go to an Amusement Park based around Hulu shows, the joke being that none of Hulu's shows are quite impressive enough to warrant a whole theme park. Terry also scoffs at Korvo for not obsessively keeping track of which shows are on which streaming services. The excessive licensing in the theme park doubles as a jab at Hulu's parent company, Disney, and its own parks.
  • Foreshadowing: There were already several hints that the entire episode is a dying dream of Tim:
    • Considering the previous episode showed him dying from lead poisoning, it is clearly impossible for him to suddenly regain enough health and physical strength to make a leap strong enough to escape The Wall especially since he goes from sickly pale to normal skin color in one shot.
    • When Jesse and Yumulack leave the room, you can see that the opening Jesse used to put extra food for The Wall people is closed and not open due to a jammed milk dud, which allows Tim and Cherie to make a desperate escape.
    • Pupa acts hostile against Tim and Cherie, while before he acts more neutrally or even helpful to the shrunken people of the wall whom he likes to watch. Not to mention the fact that Cherie's reaction is fear and confusion towards him even though the Pupa already saved her life once.
    • The Solars managed to get out of law enforcement due to giving them alien technology, even though earlier episodes have shown they can get in trouble with law enforcement and only use their technology for themselves.
    • Cherie is able to steal the shrink ray way too fast and easily from the police station appearing literally reappearing seconds after going inside.
    • Yumyulack and Jesse praise Tim for his actions in the Wall, despite previous episodes showing they only have passing knowledge of the Wall's society and easily shrug off whatever’s happening in there. This is just another way for Tim to feed his ego.
    • And finally Pezlie does not appear at all since Tim doesn't know of her existence.
  • "Friends" Rent Control: Tim is able to lease a very big and luxurious apartment despite only being a normal office worker before he was locked inside The Wall along with being essentially jobless. This serves as another hint that this al just a dream of Tim.
  • Guilt by Association Gag: In Tim’s dying dream, he and Cherie choose to have all of the Solar Opposites, including Pupa punished for abducting people and placing them in the wall by first trying to get them arrested and when that did not work, placing all of the Solar Opposites in the wall itself. Tim even beats Korvo up even though Korvo was unaware of the wall until moments before and Korvo, Pupa, and Terry were punished even though they had nothing to do with it and that it was solely Yumulack and Jesse who were placing people in the wall. Cherie even has Pupa punished too even though in their previous encounter the Pupa saved Cherie and Pezlie from a crow with Cherie thanking Pupa for it. However, Pupa's punishment further hints at the fact this is all Tim's Dying Dream since Tim cleary can't know of Cherie's interaction with the Pupa.
  • Halfway Plot Switch: The episode sets up the trip to Hululand as the main plot, but it turns out to be another episode focused on the Wall.
  • Now What?: Tim has died from his lead poisoning and the Wall is without a leader. Even Halk speaks this out word-for-word to Cherie, who looks very uncertain.
  • Out-of-Character Moment:
    • Pupa never truly showed anger or hostility on his face before so seeing him suddenly grow sharp teeth and attack Tim and Cherie instead of looking at them with childlike curiosity is very out of character for him and serves as foreshadowing that this is just a dying dream of Tim.
    • Cherie becomes increasingly more prone to complimenting Tim, deferring to him, and acting more openly horny and aroused because Tim prefers her as merely his love interest and reward.
  • Trauma Button: Both Tim and Cherie (in Tim's dream) fly into a panic upon seeing children play with toy soldiers the same size as their shrunken selves, or when they see people eat the same candy they fought each other over in the Wall.
  • Wham Episode: Double subverted. It seems that the Wall ploy has finally been resolved as Tim and Cherie reclaim the shrink ray and free their comrades, then imprison the Solar Opposites in the Wall instead. However, this is just a dream. It turns out to be crucial nonetheless because Tim, the protagonist of the wall for Season 1 and its current leader, truly dies in this episode.
  • Worst Aid: The hospital thought it was a good idea to hook Tim up to an IV connected to a bottle of contact lens solution. Even lampshaded by one of the nurses.
    Nurse: In retrospect, this probably wasn't a good idea.
