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Recap / Seijuu Sentai Gingaman Ep 26

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Although the Gingamen are happy to see Hyuuga back, Ryouma wonders if he should give his brother back the red Star Beast Sword. And as the others are caught in a Balban attack, Ryouma makes his decision.

Episode Tropes:

  • Big Damn Heroes: Once Hyuuga becomes the new Black Knight, his first act is to save Ryouma and the others when they are trapped in Geltgelt's mirror.
  • Character Development: While Ryouma initially wanted to give Hyuuga back the red Star Beast Sword, he instead asks his older brother to let him keep fighting as Ginga Red, showing his newfound confidence. Impressed by his brother's request, Hyuuga tells Ryouma that he proved to be the Ginga Red for the team.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The scentgrass berries Hyuuga found in a field were used to track the Balban to where Geltgelt held his hostages.
  • Near-Villain Victory: Geltgelt came pretty close to reviving Daitanix with the souls of the victims he captured, but thanks to Ryouma and Hyuuga, he failed.
  • Phantom-Zone Picture: Illies' next plan is to have Geltgelt trap people in mirrors to sacrifice them to Daitanix.
  • Rookie Red Ranger: The fact that Ryouma was essentially Hyuuga's replacement as Ginga Red is brought up in this episode, but the latter tells his younger brother that he is no longer a replacement figure. As far as Hyuuga is concerned, Ryouma is the Ginga Red and the leader of the team.
  • Take Up My Sword: The spirit of Bull Black makes Hyuuga the new Black Knight.
  • Wham Episode: Hyuuga becomes the new Black Knight, allowing him to join the Gingamen in their fight against the Balban.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Ryouma calls out Hyuuga for retreating when their friends are in trouble, but the latter reveals that he made sure to mark a Yardot so they could find them.
