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Recap / Saved By The Bell S 1 E 3 The Gift

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  • The Abridged History: "The Gift", History Teacher Mr. Testaverde recaps all the material for the history exam speaking as quickly as possible, making it very difficult to understand him.
  • Characterization Click Moment: In the first three episodes note , Zack was a schemer but it was usually several small schemes that were pretty low risk. This episode has Zack's first major scam by trying to trick his teacher into thinking school was closed for the day and vandalizing the bathroom to make it sound convincing. He then calls Belding to trick him into thinking the teacher was sick and needed him to proctor the midterm.
  • F--: Zack ends up with this grade, which Slater proudly displays to the class, for trying to scam his classmates, Mr. Belding and Mr. Testaverde with phony questions to their history test, imitating the latter two and not bothering to even study for the test in the long run.
  • Motor Mouth: We see Mr. George "Terrible" Testaverde give a class on the American Revolution from the Boston Tea Party to the Battle of Yorktown, but he speaks so quickly that by the end, the students have given up trying to take notes, and thrown down their pencils in despair - except Jessie, who is writing so quickly her pencil is giving off smoke.
  • Spotting the Thread: While Mr. Testaverde and Mr. Belding are arguing, Mr. Testaverde picks up that the person on the phone called him by his title not his name, something a student does not a coworker.
