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Recap / Orange Is the New Black S 02 E 13 We Have Manners. We're Polite

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"We Have Manners. We're Polite." is the thirteenth and final episode of the second season of Orange Is the New Black.

In the aftermath of the storm, Special Investigator Supervision (SIS) officers arrive to figure out who slocked Red. Vee's criminal empire starts to unravel as she attempts to save herself.

  • Alas, Poor Villain:
    • Though Fig has been part of the Big Bad Duumvirate for this season, it's hard not to feel bad for her: husband cheating on her with another man, career in shambles, wearing slacks.
    • Averted with Vee. For a moment it looks like she's about to pull a Karma Houdini; when she doesn't it's truly relieving.
    • Suzanne isn't quite a villain at heart, but has been acting incredibly villainous throughout the second season due to Vee's influence, and it's incredibly heartbreaking to see her crying alone when she finally realises how Vee has manipulated her and then left her behind.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: When Vee dismisses an angry Nicky, claiming she'd like to eat her meal in peace, Morello gives her a serious Death Glare:
    Morello: May you never have a minute of peace.
  • Call-Back: When Taystee tells Suzanne she's acting crazy (and, for once, is right), Suzanne quotes Vee's words back to her:
    Suzanne: I'm not crazy. I'm unique.
    • And another one when Rosa mows down Vee in the van:
    • Flaca describing Suzanne as the one whose always "throwing her pie and shit."
  • Enemy Mine: Chapman and Caputo team up to get rid of Fig.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: when it becomes clear that Vee has escaped, the prison goes on lockdown. Confined to their bunks, we see most of the African-American ladies carrying on with life or discussing how glad they are Vee is gone ... all except Suzanne, clutching her deck of Uno cards, bawling her eyes out.
  • Fall Guy: Vee sets Suzanne up as this, by engaging in gaslighting.
  • Framing the Guilty Party: Reversed by Healy and Luschek forging evidence to make Suzanne seem innocent — which she really is.
  • "Friends" Rent Control: The apartment Alex lives in, while slightly dumpy by TV standards, is quite large and well furnished. Considering she's a newly-released con with no job, the trope applies because how is she renting it?
  • Inelegant Blubbering: when Caputo walks in on Fig, she's engaging wholeheartedly in this. It's basically the only time we see her not engaging in Stepford Smiler poise (or Stepford Smiler anger) in the entire series.
  • The Last Dance: With Morello's help, Rosa, who has been given several weeks to live, drives the van fast outside the prison grounds, and deliberately runs Vee down.
  • Meta Twist: the first (and so far only) episode of a flashback-heavy series to take place entirely in the present.
  • Montage: of the SIS interviews with inmates.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Vause's current plans are to skip town (violating her parole). See below for why this is a perfectly justifiable response.
  • Shout-Out: Black Cindy referring to Poussey and Tastey being friends again as "some The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants shit."
  • Spanner in the Works: Vause's unexpected change of heart in the first episode is finally explained: she was told that her testimony would put Kubra away for good, and that she would walk free that day. The second thing happened. The first didn't, and now she lives in fear for her life in a shitty apartment in Queens.
  • Title Drop: whilst being interrogated, Suzanne repeats a children's poem:
    We say "Thank you."
    We say, "Please,"
    And "excuse me,"
    When we sneeze.
    That's the way
    We do what's right.
    We have manners.
    We're polite.
  • You Are Too Late: rare (semi-)heroic example. When Caputo confronts Fig with the evidence he's found, she offers to suck his dick to get him to back down. He allows her to, but then reveals that he's already told the whole thing to the warden.
