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Recap / Mega Man NT Warrior Stream Fortune Telling Shooting Star Of Love

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After meeting Jasmine, Mayl is none too happy with how chummy Lan is with her and tries to boost their relationship. Anetta recommends she watch Andou Romeda's love fortune teller show.

  • A Day in the Limelight: While Lan and Mega Man do appear and delete Asteroid Star Man, the main focus is on Mayl and Roll to the point Mayl contacts Mr. Famous for the dimensional area.
  • Angry Cheek Puff: After Lan and Mayl defeat the Monster of the Week, Lan once again acts oblivious to Mayl's feelings about him when he mentions Jasmine is able to see Duo's comet, annoying her enough to puff up her cheeks and deliver a slap.
  • Big Eater: Defied. Mayl orders #1 Curry's All-Topping curry during the week where the lucky item is something you have in common with your lover. She barely makes a dent in it and ponders how Lan can eat that much.
  • Cut a Slice, Take the Rest: Lan orders five curries for Jasmine. Dex asks if Jasmine can really eat that much and Lan says she's going to eat one while he eats the remaining four.
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male: When Mayl sees Duo's comet, and asks if she and Lan are the only people who can see it. Lan tells her others can see it too, and lists off Chaud, Dingo, Laika, Pride, Charlie, Tesla, and Jasmine. Hearing Jasmine's name makes Mayl slap Lan.
  • Orbital Bombardment: Star Man summons a large meteor to fulfill Romeda's request of predicting a major event, despite a meteor that size would destroy much of ACDC
  • Tempting Fate: Albeit, for a different episode. When Romeda tells her viewers that week's lucky item is something they have in common with their lover, Roll thinks about Cross Fusion bragging that Medi can't do that. Come a few episodes later...
