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Recap / Mahabharata S 01 E 68

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In this episode of Mahabharata, everyone makes final preparations to go to war.

The Pandavas fully commit themselves to war when Draupadi blows the war conch out loud because Yudhistir is still dithering. Arjun and Krishna convince everyone to appoint Dhrishtadyumna as the General-in-Chief of the Pandavas’ Army. Krishna reminds them that they have an uphill battle ahead because they are already numerically disadvantaged 7 to 11 compared to the Kauravas’ Army.

Back in Hastinapur, Sage Vyas visits his son Dhritharashtra one last time, to convince him to rein in Duryodhan and stop this war. When Dhritharashtra pleads his inability to control Duryodhan any more, Vyas berates him to then “see the destruction”. Vyas is about to grant Dhritharashtra “divine sight” that allows him to remotely view the battle from the palace. This sight will end when all Kauravas are dead. A terrified Dhritharashtra, pleading his inability to recognize his sons if he ever saw them, requests that his charioteer Sanjay be given this sight instead. Sanjay will now provide Dhritharashtra with a running commentary on the Kurukshetra War.

Finally, Duryodhan sends Shakuni’s son Ulluk to deliver one last trash talk before the war begins.

Tropes found here are

  • Blind Seer: Vyas, disgusted with Dhritharashtra, prepares to make him one of these, just so he can witness the annihilation of his sons. Dhritharashtra refuses, and instead demands that Sanjay be turned into a human television.
  • Evil Gloating: Duryodhan has Ulluk convey one last gloating rant of a message before they all leave for war.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Krishna convinces the Pandavas to appoint Dhrishtadyumna as General of the Armies. But everyone knows that Krishna will be the true strategist.
