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Recap / Little Princess S 1 E 1 I Want My Tooth

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The Princess is in the bathroom, admiring her teeth because the dentist recently told her they were "perfect". While brushing her teeth, she explains that the dentist explained about brushing and claimed that "strong teeth" run in the family.

She wakes up a napping King to ask if his teeth are "perfect", but he responds in the negative, saying that he probably "ate the wrong things". So, she goes to the Chef and inadvertently offends him by asking him if his individual foodstuffs are "wrong things".

He shoos her out, and the Princess goes outside and asks the Queen if her chocolates are good for one's teeth. When she says no, the Princess cheekily says, "Don't give any to Daddy then." She then boasts about her teeth to the Admiral and General.

Inside, the Princess notes that Scruff has bad breath and accuses him of eating incorrect food. She shows off her teeth, but then notices one is loose and runs to the Maid, screaming. The Maid reassures the Princess that everyone gets loose teeth when they're her age.

At lunch, the Princess thinks her steak is too hard and demands "soft food", so the Chef makes her a smoothie. Then, the Princess plays with her loose tooth while Puss cleans Scruff's teeth.

Soon, it is time for the group photo, so the Princess goes to brush her teeth but loses her tooth, causing her to scream again and decide not to be in the photo. The Maid tells her that the tooth was meant to come out but will take a few weeks to grow back, which makes the Princess question the point of having teeth if they fall out.

The Maid drags the Princess to get her photo taken, but she ties fabric around her face. The Queen takes it away, so she tries asking the Admiral for advice, and he offers her his dentures. The photo gets taken, but the Princess is facing away from the camera. She explains to her parents that she thinks the tooth gap is ugly, so the King and Queen explain about the Tooth Fairy. So, she goes to retrieve her tooth, but disappoints the Prime Minister by running in the photo.

Everyone in the house searches for the tooth, and eventually the Chef finds it and the Maid brings it. The Princess puts the tooth under her pillow. The next day the Prime Minister doesn't like how he's holding the Gardener's rake in the photo, but the King helps him see the funny side of it.

This episode provides examples of

  • Adapted Out: This episode was adapted from one of the books, yet it lacks the Princess's friends and brother, who featured in the book.
  • Artistic License – Biology:
    • Scruff's teeth are shown as consistent and flat. In actuality, dogs have fangs where our, well, canine teeth would be and they have jagged, joined-together teeth in the place of molars, while their incisors are very small.
    • The Maid says that her teeth haven't wobbled since she was the Princess's age. Since four is the minimum age for losing teeth, this would imply that all her adult teeth grew in over the course of one year. This cannot happen in reality.
  • Audible Gleam: We hear a "Ding!" at the Princess's first toothy smile.
  • Baffled by Own Biology: The Princess screams when she gets her first loose tooth, not realising it's normal.
  • Bilingual Bonus: When the Prime Minister has everyone say, "Cheese!", the Chef says, "Fromage!".
  • Death Glare: The Chef gives the Princess the stink eye for demanding soft food.
  • Embarrassment Plot: Downplayed. The Princess being embarrassed about her missing tooth is a significant plot point, but not the whole plot.
  • Episode Tagline:
    • The idea of having "perfect teeth" is said a few times in this episode.
    • The Prime Minister says, "Ready? Lovely, perfect" whenever he tries to take the picture.
  • Faux Horrific: Justified. The Princess freaks out over her loose tooth because she doesn't realise that kids lose their teeth.
  • Foreshadowing: At the beginning, the Prime Minister is taking photos. Later, he takes the group photo.
  • Informed Deformity: We're told the King's teeth are "imperfect", but they look totally fine.
  • Innocently Insensitive: The Princess offends the Chef by pointing to his food and saying, "Is that a wrong thing?".
  • Jumping-to-Conclusions Diagnosis: The Admiral immediately assumes the Princess (a little girl we might add) has scurvy because she's lost a tooth.
  • Last-Second Photo Failure: In "I Want My Tooth", the cast tries to take a group photo, but it goes wrong several times — first the Princess ties a piece of fabric around her face to hide her missing tooth, then she faces away from the camera, then she runs away while the photo is being taken, then the Prime Minister carries the Gardener's rake.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: When the tooth is retrieved, everyone says, "The Royal Tooth!" and the Maid brings it on a fancy pillow.
  • Slapstick: At one point, the Prime Minister falls into the pond.
  • Stink Snub: The Princess says to Scruff, "Eurgh, yuck, doggie breath!".
  • Title Drop: The Princess whines the episode title down the bathroom sink at one point.
  • Tooth Fairy: Discussed. The reason the Princess wants her tooth, as mentioned in the title, is to get money from the Tooth Fairy.
  • Wilting Odor: Puss passes out after smelling Scruff's teeth, even though he's just had them brushed.
