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Recap / Kung Fu (2021) S1 E13 "Transformation"

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Nicky is forced to assist Zhilan seek Biange, only to find that the Forge's keeper, a sorcerer named Ziqi, left the monastery two years ago. When the forces of Russell Tan arrive to steal the sacred weapons, Nicky and Henry must find Ziqi before both Tan and Zhilan can do the same.

Tropes featured in this episode:

  • Balance Between Good and Evil: Biange is not good or evil, and Nicky cannot destroy it without radically altering the world. As a result, she elects to keep it, but scatter its influence to the four winds so no single person can monopolize it.
  • Barrier Maiden: Ziqi, the sorcerer who guarded the Forge, holds the residual of Biange.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: The woman in a red hood Nicky glimpsed in the monastery two years ago, as shown in "Sanctuary", is Ziqi, the last remaining sorcerer who holds the power to Biange. Pei-Ling sent her away after she failed to convince Zhilan to stop her search for Biange, knowing that being kept at the monastery would have just invited trouble when Zhilan someday paid a visit.
  • Get It Over With: Having lost Biange, Zhilan laments that she has lost everything and urges Nicky to just kill her. She refuses, saying that she is not like her.
  • Hostage for MacGuffin: Zhilan threatens Nicky to help her find Biange, saying that she has sent her goons to be stationed outside the Shen family's house. Nicky acquiesces for a while, but tips Althea and Ryan through the phone so they will find the means to get out of their situation on their own.
  • It's a Wonderful Plot: Nicky learns what her life would have been if Biange did not exist: she would have finished her education at Harvard and still dated Evan, but she would have never met Henry, as her training in China was what led them together. Furthermore, Ryan no longer had a job at the clinic.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Russell claims that Nicky has a cousin who is part of the Warrior and Guardian lineages, and is the key to everything.
  • Not Quite Dead: It is revealed that Kerwin survived Zhilan stabbing him in the previous episode, though he is hospitalized.
  • Redemption Rejection: Zhilan rejects Pei-Ling's final plea for her not to take Biange.
  • Sequel Hook: Nicky may have stopped Zhilan, but Russell Tan is still out there, and he is more powerful than ever. He is not really bothered by her freeing Biange into the world, because he has been keeping tabs on a cousin Nicky doesn't know she has, one who is the child of a Warrior and a Guardian, who will be the "key to everything". Moreover, Evan learns that Russell has been slowly taking over San Francisco, possibly to corner Nicky's family.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Russell is escorted away while Nicky is duking it out with Zhilan at the Henduan Mountains. Averted with Zhilan herself, who is finally arrested by the Chinese police for her crimes.
  • Wedding Smashers: Althea's and Dennis' wedding is interrupted first by Chloe spilling a vase, giving Althea and Ryan time to help Nicky with her endeavor. And when that is resolved, the two are alerted by Zhilan's goons being stationed outside, prompting Ryan to call Evan to have them captured. Fortunately, the wedding is continued afterwards.
