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Recap / Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Ep 39 The Neverending Happy New Year Birthday Party

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The Neverending Happy New Year-Birthday Party-kai!

Original Airdate: December 12, 2021
Written by: Junko Komura
Directed by: Katsuya Watanabe


Setchan: Previously on… Zenkaiger!
For some reason, December meant Bon and New Year's at the same time!
We managed to defeat Bon Wald, but Shōgatsu Wald is still out there!
When will he strike?!

Kaito's Birthday is near, and so is Christmas, allowing the Zenkaigers to have two celebrations within the fortnight. However, Shōgatsu Wald, who has the ability to make people forget the past year, suddenly attacks. The Zenkaigers must find a way to get this monster out of their celebrations before he forces them to forget him.


  • Christmas Episode: Of sorts. Kaito's birthday is a couple of weeks out from Christmas, which explains all of the Christmas decorations throughout the city.
  • Cliffhanger: After the team defeats Dai Shōgatsu Wald, a mecha akin to Hakaizer ominously shows up on the battlefield, kicking off the whirlwind that is about to come.
  • New Year Has Come: Shōgatsu Wald's main ability is to evoke this in anyone that he affects when they hear his bell, keeping them in an hour-long loop where they fall into the New Years' mood and completely ignore bad events, including the Tozitend. This prevents the team from actually doing anything against him as a result, until they twist this by making the fight against him a joyous occasion, and making him being unable to be forgotten or ignored.
  • Significant Birth Date: Kaito's birthday is revealed to be December 12 last episode, the same date that this episode aired on.
