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Recap / Invader Zim: A Very Tall Problem – "The Twelve Irks of Christmas"

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♪ The twelfth thing of Christmas that we all guarantee

The cast of characters behind AVTP's channel got together to put on a showing of their parody version of "12 Days of Christmas," but it got slightly out of hand.

Click here to watch it on YouTube.


  • Buried Alive: Throughout the song, Zim keeps trying to bury Dib in the dirt and even briefly succeeds until the latter digs himself out.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • The Christmas ornaments hanging in the background are all printed with the logo for Professor Membrane's company Membrane Labs.
    • Gaz is seen playing her games on a Game Slave 3.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Bid, Anno, Miyuki, Spork, and Medea all appear in this music video before any of them have even been properly introduced in the series.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Bid keeps singing about how he wants to find proof that humans exist while being seemingly oblivious to the fact that he already has three humans (four counting Santa) in his presence.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: After Zim has buries Dib in the ground, he's seen leaning against a gravestone that has "R.I.P. THE DIB" inscribed on it. Beneath the inscription are the words "Wow you really paused the video to read this?"
  • Fun with Subtitles: Minimoose's unintelligible squeaks are subtitled as very disturbing comments, such as talking about all the people he's killed.
  • Psycho Knife Nut: Red is portrayed this way in the song where he asks for more and more knives from Santa, eventually culminating in him demanding "a knife made of knives" with a crazed look in his eyes.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: When Dib is ready to cut open Zim, the lens of his glasses becomes obscured as he declares "Time to RIP HIS GUTS OUT-" with manic glee.
  • The Stinger: Medea arrives an empty studio for the song and is displeased to learn that everyone has already recorded the song without her and left.
  • They Would Cut You Up: As Zim is trying to bury him in the ground, Dib is simultaneously attempting to vivisect him. At one point in the song, he temporarily has Zim tied up and asks Professor Membrane for a buzz saw before Zim breaks free of his bonds.
