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Recap / Granblue Fantasy The Dragonblood War

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The Dragonblood War

Despite joining the crew, Heles, Seruel, Naoise, and Scathacha all return to Alster Island to continue its reconstruction, vowing to return as skyfarers once it is over. Because of a lack of airships, Heles makes a simple request of having Miach to return home. On the way, the weather suddenly turns for the worse, preventing the Grandcypher from getting close to the island.

Days before as the kingdom prepares for Miach's return, a traveler arrives at the Great Court and suddenly stabs Naoise, taking the latter under his control.


  • Dead Person Conversation: While passed out, Naoise talks with the spirit of his deceased father. The two agree that Naoise still have unfinished business left to do, causing him to get back up.
  • Deus Exit Machina: The crew isn't involved with most of the event due to a storm barrier preventing them from entering Alster Island. After the barrier is broken, it doesn't take long for Medb and Ailill to be defeated.
  • Foreshadowing: When trying reinstate the barrier, Ailill hearing a voice that speaks in in Sdrawkcab Speech, one of the few things related to the Six Dragons.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Ailill tries to reinstate the barrier, only to realize that he's facing off against Fediel and abandons Medb.
  • Last Request: With Mac Nessa heavly wounded, he requests seeing Scathacha so he could pass his remaining mana to her before passing away. However, Scathacha is unable to use it, so she passes it on to Naoise instead.
  • My Name Is ???: Fediel's name is only shown after she introduces herself at the ending, with her name being written as ??? before that moment.
  • Never Got to Say Goodbye: Mac Nessa passes away from his wounds after being severly outnumbered by the wyverns, never having the chance to see Miach.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Ferdia tries to avoid showing any signs of his past at the countryside the best he could. The fact that he's armed against Ailill is a sign of Medb's taking control for the last time.
  • Raised as the Opposite Gender: Micah is dressed as a woman to invoke an ancient rule that allows him to revoke his claim to the throne if there are no male heirs left in the house.
  • You Are Too Late: While Heles sealed off Medb's Curse of Intoxication, the citizen are already infected by it, so the sealing has no effect.
