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Recap / Garfield And Friends S 3 E 07

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The seventh episode of the third season of Garfield and Friends.

Post-Opening Sequence Line: "Hey you, the kid who missed last week's show! You'd better have a good excuse!"

Return of the Buddy Bears

Garfield makes a huge mess around the house, and is told by Jon to clean up before he and Odie get back or else he will not get food until the next century. Luckily, the Buddy Bears come to help Garfield out, which he is happy with until they start stealing his food by cleaning up. Once he kicks them out, the Buddy Bears ask him for money, but Garfield uses their 'never disagree policy' and lies that he already paid them. Sadly the house is in a mess again, and Jon and Odie are not happy. Garfield tries to explain but gives up knowing there's no point. In the end, Garfield dresses in a bear suit and decides to be the Buddy Bears' bear-in-training, willing help the Buddy Bears to learn to disagree. They agree, and welcome him before dancing away.

Much Ado About Lanolin

Orson puts on a imaginary play called The Taming of the Shrew with an imaginary Lanolin as the Shrew.

Reigning Cats and Dogs

Garfield hosts a show about why cats are better than dogs. During the show, Nermal constantly interrupts him, while a group of dogs are not too happy about Garfield's badmouthing him, threatening to beat him up if he insults them once more. Just then Garfield comes up with a sneaky idea to deal with two problems at once. He lets Nermal host the show, in which he makes some snarky and bad remarks about dogs, and the dogs go after him.

Return of the Buddy Bears contains examples of:

Much Ado About Lanolin contains examples of:

Reigning Cats and Dogs contains examples of:
