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Recap / Fear The Walking Dead S 06 E 05 Honey

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Season 6, Episode 5:


Written by Ashley Cardiff
Directed by Michael E. Satrazemis

Dwight and Sherry spend the night and she begins to read the letters that he wrote to her. Dwight takes his last dose of medicine to combat the bubonic plague, then he receives a radio call from Hill who interrupts him, requesting that he return to Al with the tapes for Virginia, giving it a period of 48 hours. Sherry gets up and disappears, and he hears strange noises, prompting him to take his hatchet and investigate where she went. A masked individual is standing outside the front door and runs away, and suddenly more masked individuals capture him.

In a skatepark, Dwight is captive. Suddenly, the masked men appear. Dwight frees himself and holds one at gunpoint, threatening him where Sherry is. Suddenly, several men from above point their guns at Dwight, and Sherry appears and tells him that everything is okay, revealing that she is part of the masked men. Ozzie, a member of the masked men, threatens Dwight with killing Al, if he does not give him information about Virginia's whereabouts, but he honestly denies it. Rollie suddenly appears and requested from this, and they free Al. The group trusts Dwight and Sherry explains to him that her group is rebellious against the order of Virginia and that their objective is to shoot down the SWAT truck. Al explains that they cannot destroy the van and that it is better to steal it. The assault on the truck is successfully achieved with the unexpected help of Morgan.

The group meets at the skatepark and Morgan gives them information about a new community. Sherry explains to Morgan that she plans to kill Virginia to save the life of her group. Morgan refuses to participate, because he knows that there will be too many casualties, and that he had already lived this experience, referring to Negan. Dwight violently interrogates the captured pioneer using a wolf to attack him, but Morgan stops him. The next day, Dwight and Morgan discuss the plan to kill Virginia. Dwight hints that he does not intend to step back. Sherry convinces Dwight to give another report, and Dwight proceeds to meet Hill. Sherry locks up Dwight, Morgan, and Al to proceed with the attack on Virginia.

At night, Morgan convinces Dwight to stop Sherry. Dwight manages to get loose while the Rangers arrive at the place. When the Outcasts about to attack, Dwight manages to get to where Sherry is and reluctantly convinces her. He manages to stop the attack by the men of Virginia. Later, Morgan and Al convince Dwight to go with them and he decides to accompany them outside the city center. Morgan introduces himself to the people in the center of the building. Morgan tells everyone that where they will go will require "a lot of work." Dwight leaves a clue for Sherry where she can locate him.


  • Faking the Dead: With Morgan's help, Dwight and Althea disguise and maim a couple of walkers to make it seem the the two have perished so they can abandon the Pioneers without causing Virginia to exact revenge on their friends.
  • We Wait: Morgan agrees Virginia must be taken down, but he wants to wait until they have a safe community to fall back to and after they’ve gotten everyone they care about out from under her thumb.
