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Recap / FBI Most Wanted S 05 E 02

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The Fugitive Task Force launches into full gear after multiple bombings appear to be targeting retired NYPD officers; Ray decides he's ready to take the next step in his relationship with Cora.


  • A Day in the Limelight: Ray Cannon and his father Ray Sr.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Kamal Berk underwent brutal interrogation by the Ghost Squad and Forced to Listen to an audio tape of his five-year-old daughter Jeyla screaming in terror from being abducted by the CIA.
  • Cycle of Revenge: Discussed. Ray Sr. convince Kamal that the two of them must break the cycle for the sake of their children.
  • Forced to Listen: Ray Sr. revealed how the Ghost Squad forced Kamal to listen to his daughter scream in terror from being abducted by the CIA.
  • I Want My Daddy!: The Ghost Squad forced Kamal to listen to an audio tape of his five-year-old daughter Jeyla screaming for her father after being abducted by the CIA.
  • My Greatest Failure: Ray Sr. had always regretted how he could not prevent Kamal from undergoing Cold-Blooded Torture from the Ghost Squad and Forced to Listen to his daughter screaming in terror from being abducted by the CIA.
  • Never My Fault: When one of the surviving police officers are confronted (and lied to Federal Agents about it until he's told that his colleagues were murdered), he still thinks that their illegal and unethical actions saved lives. He never takes any responsibility for torturing suspects and kidnapping their children to get intel nor that their actions led to Create Your Own Villain. Averted with Ray Sr., who didn't torture anyone and tried to do this job, but couldn't stop it—see My Greatest Failure above.
  • We Have Your Daughter: The Ghost Squad forced Kamal to listen to an audio tape of his daughter screaming in terror as she was being abducted by the CIA.
  • Police Brutality: In the wake of 9/11, the NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau formed the Ghost Squad to brutally interrogate suspected terrorists off-the-books.
  • Retired Badass: Even as a retired senior, Ray Sr. has not lost his touch and is able to get the drop on Kamal and hold in at gunpoint until the FBI arrived.
  • The War on Terror: This formed the backstory for Kamal and Jeyla's Start of Darkness.
