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Recap / Episode Two Freeman Pontifex

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Upon reaching the surface, a large group of Combine forces is seen traveling north towards White Forest with Advisors in tow. Gordon must fight off the Antlion Guardian, along with an Antlion Guard and several of their smaller kin, before reaching the last Resistance outpost of the Victory Mine. There, they find that the settlement has been overrun by Headcrabs. Gordon is required to descend into the zombie-infested mining settlement in order to reach a working car for the journey to White Forest. Alyx assists Gordon by covering his progress with a sniper rifle powered by the Vortigaunt. Gordon finally reaches the far side of the settlement where the muscle car awaits. He jumps the car over a broken bridge back onto the side Alyx and the Vortigaunt are waiting at. The Vortigaunt takes his leave of Alyx and Gordon, informing them that his kin are hunting "shu'ulathoi" still in their escape pods.

This chapter contains examples of:

  • Dual Boss: The first boss fight in the episode is a fight against an Antlion Guard and Antlion Guardian (without the usual poison effect on its attacks, making it no different from its standard counterpart) and their normal antlion minions. They don't hesitate to attack you at the same time, but you've got a healthy supply of SMG and Shotgun ammo, a safe spot where they can't strike you, and several exploding barrels lying around the valley...
  • Meaningful Name: Pontifex is a Latin term meaning both "priest" and "Bridge Builder".
