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Recap / Digimon Ghost Game E63 "Gluttony"

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During a cake buffet with Aoi and Mika, Ruli accidentally swallowed a black thing resembling a chocolate pellet on her bowl. On the next day, she became ravenously hungry to the point of eating increasingly huge meals throughout the day only to still feel like starving, then mutating into a monster with a gaping jawline and slender, long arms and trying to eat Gammamon, Hiro and Kiyoshiro before fainting. When the other protagonists bring her to Mummymon for a check-up, the lights suddenly explode, and a pink-colored Quartzmon emerges out from her malnourished body, so Kiyoshiro, Hiro and their Digimon went up in the sky and found the real Quartzmon. As Hiro finds out after the protagonists defeat Quartzmon, this incident is no regular incident, and a mass exodus of Digimon from the Digital World is on the loose...

  • Artistic License – Biology: A normal human can actually go on surprisingly long without food or nutrition — it takes a few weeks to more than a month for them to be starved to death as long as they are hydrated. Here, Ruli was denied food for more than a day and was already near-death that night. Though Quartzmon's clones were also sapping away the human body's energy, which likely expedited the malnutrition.
  • Book Ends: The first hostile Digimon the protagonists deal with is a Clockmon who steals other's life force and gets freaked out by GulusGammamon's image. The final hostile Digimon fought before wrapping up the Myth Arc is a Quartzmon who steals other's life force and is heavily implied to had been made his run from the Jet-Black Champion into the human world alongside numerous Baby Level Digimon. Clockmon and Quartzmon also face off against each other in the latter's debut anime and they share similar physiques and a clock motif.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Jellymon's farming business earlier in the season comes back as the resolution to Quartzmon's issue feeding the Baby Digimon.
  • Degraded Boss: Quartzmon is the Final Boss of the Digimon Fusion timeline and is one of the few villains who manage to Take Over the World and all of its living beings, and it takes the power of all Digimon protagonists up to Digimon Fusion for even a chance to take him down. Here, he can be defeated by 2 Digimon of his level and is treated the same as a standard Ultimate-level for narrative purposes.
  • Mood Whiplash: The episode starts with a rather adorable scene of Ruli enjoying a cake buffet with Aoi and Mika...which quickly degenerates into insane horror once she accidentally swallows a crunchy "chocolate pellet".
  • No Party Like a Donner Party: In a particularly disturbing scene early on, Ruli has her mouth and arms mutated to resemble Quartzmon's and goes onto a rampage in her own house trying to find food, trying to eat Gammamon, Hiro, and Kiyoshiro in that order. Thankfully, she quickly collapses out of malnutrition and is dragged out to be hospitalized with Mummymon.
  • Valentine's Day Episode: Technically, since the episode broadcasted 2 days prior to the real-life Valentine's Day of 2023, and the episode starts with a cake buffet with chocolate dishes. Though since Quartzmon was feeding a bunch of Baby Digimon inside him it can be connected to Easter, and him inflicting Horror Hunger on people can be tied to the Catholic tradition of fasting on said holiday.
  • Wham Episode: It's around here where the Myth Arc starts picking up beyond Foreshadowing. Right after the Quartzmon incident is peacefully resolved, Clockmon and Airdramon arrive in front of the protagonists and the Ultimate-level they just defeated and warns them about a mass exodus of Digimon from the Digital World, followed by a black blot symbolizing GulusGammamon briefly appearing on Gammamon's body. This also implies ClavisAngemon in the previous episode and Quartzmon (who both share a similar motivation) are not random troublemakers but orchestrated excursions from the Jet-Black Champion's wrath.
