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Recap / Decay Resonance

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"The rift between Earth and the alien world is widening. Reset the dampening fields to prevent another cascade."

Gina and Colette return to Anomalous Materials and link back up with Dr. Keller. Dr. Keller decides that the best course of action is to re-engage the dampening fields, which he felt would end the Resonance Cascade. To do this, Gina and Colette travel through the facility and successfully reset the secondary and primary dampening locks. However, the dampening fields fail soon after. Keller discovers that the failure was caused by intentional interference from the other side of the rifts and realizes that not all the aliens might be there by accident.

This Chapter contains examples of:

  • Failsafe Failure: The Dampening fields surrounding the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, which would have prevented the resonance cascade had the G-man not shut them down. This mission centers on resetting these fields, but when Drs. Cross and Green do, Dr. Keller finds out that the Nihilanth is keeping the dimensional rift open.
