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Recap / Bunkd S 2 E 17 Camp Stinky Waka

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When Tiffany's mother comes to visit, the Woodchucks try to help Tiffany pretend that Camp Kikiwaka is a camp for geniuses. Meanwhile the Grizzly cabin hunts Big Stinky, the camp's skunk nemesis.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Given Name Reveal: Tiffany's surname is revealed to be Chen.
  • Maintain the Lie: The Woodchucks must maintain Tiffany's cover that Camp Kikiwaka is for geniuses while Dr. Chen is visiting.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Tiffany forces the Woodchucks to wear them once Dr. Chen arrives so they appear smarter. When questioned by Lou why she wears them despite not needing them, Tiffany says she always wears them when Dr. Chen is around because according to her, "If your eyes aren't ruined, you're not reading enough."
  • Smelly Skunk: Big Stinky the skunk is this.
  • Toilet Humor: After Griff says "I'd rather sniff one of Jorge's butt bombs", Jorge immediately offscreen farts as Xander says "That's not what he meant."
  • Tomato Skunk Stink Cure
