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Recap / Blue's Clues & You S1E4 Big News with Blue

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The host is always the last to know.

Original air date: 11/13/2019

Once again we are greeted by our kind host, who is particularly happy today, as Blue wants to tell him and the Viewer something, and seems especially excited to say it. Unfortunately (or not) she prefers to communicate in another way, meaning we would play Blue's Clues to find out what news Blue wants to tell us.

Before going to get his notebook, he uncomfortably asks Pawprint to move, as he is getting in the way of them playing Blue's Clues, but Pawprint doesn't take it personally and just leaves amicably. Arriving at Sidetable, Josh is greeted by the question if he already knows what the big news is, to which Josh will initially respond that that's why he's playing Blue's Clues, but then realizing that Sidetable already knew what the news was, which she justifies it by saying that she's not just a drawer and knows a lot of things, which seems to be enough for Josh to get over it.

Soon Josh hears Tickety calling from the bedroom, in the bedroom she reveals that she has a clue as to where the first clue is and Josh comes to the conclusion that Blue was playing riddles to help him find out where the clues are, and the first one would be found. in the room where a spoon would normally be found, which the viewer points out as the kitchen. In the kitchen, Josh mistakenly believes that the clue was literally a spoon, meanwhile the clue passes by him leaving a shaking sound as he walks, when the viewer points to the clue both Josh and Mr. Salt mock them as it is not a clue, is Mr. Salt, they are immediately proven wrong when Josh notices the blue pawprint on the salt shaker, meaning the first clue is Mr. Salt.

After discovering the first clue, the little salt shaker gives Josh the second riddle, a photo of Shovel and Pail. Josh comes to the conclusion that the note is a sign that they should visit Shovel and Pail in the backyard. Once there, the brother and sister duo reveal to Josh that they are on a treasure hunt, which the host is more than happy to participate in, even taking his “treasure hunt hat”. Looking at the map, Josh realizes another riddle, two letters and a box, which we soon realize is a sign that they should go to Mailbox to find their treasure, once there Mailbox is seen whistling innocently, while our friends approach him, before to reveal that he carries a treasure chest inside him, which carries a hint of what the second clue is: Something that makes you sneeze and is used for various recipes, confused, Josh takes his leave, looking for something that matches that description, it doesn't take long until he comes across a painting that answers both questions, although he gets confused thinking that a clue would make the Viewer sneeze, which would be terrible because they need to find clues all the time, when the viewer points out that there is a clue close to him Josh It takes a while to find it, realizing that it is in the frame of a drawing in the living room. The second clue is something that makes you sneeze and can be used in recipes, pepper, or better said, Mrs. Pepper.

He doesn't have time to think, because that tone that makes him want to wag his tail is heard, the mail has arrived. Before delivering his letter, Mailbox teases Josh, asking if he's figured out the big news yet. While enjoying the confusion he caused the poor guy, Mailbox smilingly announces that Josh has received an email, this time from a little girl showing him that she has learned to whistle.

Soon Slippery comes to Josh quite happily, and reveals that even he already knows what the news is, which clearly makes Josh a little uncomfortable, but he is not here to talk, but to ask a favor, Slippery asks Josh to go visit his friend who lives in Chalkboard and deliver a message to him saying that Slippery misses him.

Without wasting any time, Blue skidoos to the chalkboard, thus stopping in the chalk world where everything is made of chalk, much to Josh's excitement, who for some reason wants to create a river, but quickly realizes that it's not easy to just walk along a river. and that he would need a boat, which he designs himself, but if he would need oars to ride a boat, although this time Blue does the honors. After almost being hit by a wave, which Josh was fortunately able to put out, Josh and Blue are finally able to find Sudsy, Slippery's friend, and deliver the message and in return Josh gets a hint as to what the third clue is, something nearby that can be used for drinking. Immediately after skidooing back to the hallway, Josh hears the kids exclaim that they found a clue, something that could be used to drink, a bottle.

With no time to think, Josh goes to the Thinking Chair, to find out what news Blue wants to share involving: Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper and a bottle, initially thinking that Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper would have new bottles (which technically isn't wrong), finally coming to the conclusion that Mr.Salt and Mrs. Pepper would had a new baby (which is technically wrong) even being unable to sing that they figured out Blue's Clues because of the emotion, picking up his guitar at one point and running to the kitchen, as that were incredible news.

After getting closer they reveal that they had two babies instead of one, a baby boy and a baby girl, Sage and Ginger, who they let Josh hold in his hands if he is careful, he and Blue welcome the family to their two new friends, then we sing the "So Long" in a lullaby rhythm. The episode ends on a comforting note as the instrumental version of the lullaby "So Long" plays in the background.


  • Arc Words: Mr. Salt mentions the words sage and ginger when Josh comes to visit him in the kitchen, which may seem random at first, but are eventually revealed to be the names he chose for his children.
  • Fleeting Demographic Rule: This episode is the modern version of the episode “Blue's News”, where Blue reveals to Steve about Paprika's birth. Funny enough, Paprika and Cinnamon are the only ones to actually age since that episode.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Josh for no understandable reason created a river in the Chalk World, not thinking that it would mean he practically couldn't walk.
  • Edible Theme Naming: Once again Mr. Salt is seen talking to himself about names of spices to name his new children. This time they are called Sage (a type of herb) and Ginger (a root).
  • Half-Identical Twins: Sage and Ginger are fraternal twins, but use the same character model, with the only difference from each other being their colors, Sage is green and Ginger is brown.
  • Hypocrite : Josh and Mr. Salt mock the viewer for thinking Mr. Salt is a clue, even though Josh himself was a clue just one episode earlier, and Mr. Salt mentioning that he has been a clue once.
  • Internal Homage: This episode is a homage to the episode "Blue's News" from the original series.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Josh is the last to find out that Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper were having babies, with everyone else in the room being aware and making a point of throwing it in his face. Hilariously, Sage and Ginger had been leaked long before the episode released, making Josh really the last one to know.
  • New Baby Episode: This episode introduces us for the first time to the third fourth children of the Spice family: Sage and Ginger, a boy and girl who are twins.
  • Random Species Offspring: Although their names can be justified by them being condiment dispensers rather than spice types, Sage and Ginger are still different types of dispensers from the rest of the family, being bottles rather than shakers, implying that they may be adopted. This is the main reason they have the family title from "shaker family" to "spice family".
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Josh mistakenly believes that the answer to Blue's clues is that Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper are going to have a new bottle, although this is not the news, he is right that they will need new bottles as they had two new babies.
  • Tears of Joy: Josh, upon seeing an image of Shovel and Pail, randomly starts crying with happiness.
