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Recap / Biker Mice From Mars S 2 E 2 Were Going To Cheesyland

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Limburger buys the theme park Dizzyland and makes it into a new theme park called Cheesyland as a cover for his mining operations.

This episode contains examples of

  • Affectionate Parody: The episode in general is a nod to Disneyland and Walt Disney Studios, along with a Take That! at the company's owners at the time being more concerned with profit than anything else. Even though Limburger manages to easily buy Dizzyland and use it as a front for his mining operations, the Biker Mice do end the episode by singing a spoof of the Mickey Mouse Club theme song.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Limburger gets the idea to buy Dizzyland from hearing Major Jumper, an obvious parody of basketball player Michael Jordan, declare "I'm going to Dizzyland" on television.
  • Take That!: While trying to change the channel to find a show that will cheer Limburger up, Greasepit briefly stops on a channel that has some clowns dancing in front of the letters "FCC", a clear dig at the Federal Communications Commission and how their policies have negatively affected cartoons. Limburger even expresses great annoyance at the channel.
    • At one point, Modo blows up a shooting gallery with his arm cannon, greatly impressing some kids. After he walks away, the owner of the booth comes up to ask who did it, prompting the kids to respond it was "some guy dressed as a mouse". The owner simply laments that "That company really hates competition."
