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Recap / Benoit Brisefer

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Recap page for the Benoit Brisefer albums.

  1. "Les Taxis rouges" (The Red Cabs)
  2. "Madame Adolphine" (Mrs Adolphine)
  3. "Les Douze travaux de Benoît Brisefer" (The Twelve Tasks of Benoît Brisefer)
  4. "Tonton Placide" (Uncle Placide)
  5. "Le Cirque Bodoni" (Bodoni Circus)
  6. "Lady d’Olphine" (Lady d’Olphine)
  7. "Le Fétiche" (The Fetish)
  8. "Hold-up sur pellicule" (Hold-up on Film)
  9. "L'île de la désunion" (The Island of Disunion)
  10. "La Route du sud" (The Southern Road)
  11. "Le Secret d'Églantine" (The Secret of Eglantine)
  12. "Chocolats et coups fourrés" (Chocolates and Underhand Tricks)
  13. "John-John" (John-John)
  14. "Sur Les Traces Du Gorille Blanc" (On the Trail of the White Gorilla)
