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Recap / Animorphs: The Reckoning

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You can also find a recap of Chapters 1-48 here, as written by the author. It's denser and has no chapter references, so it's good if you just want a general (and quick!) refresher, and less good if you're trying to remember when a particular thing happened, or if you want a more detailed account.

Chapter 1: Jake — We begin in media res: the first line is spoken by Elfangor, at that point an unseen presence, and then Elfangor's ship is revealed. After convincing our protagonists to enter the ship, Elfangor explains what morphing is and how it works, and tells them about the Yeerks. The kids are given the morphing power, and we are all but explicitly told that the Ellimist is active in this universe. At last, the Yeerks close in, and the kids flee after Visser Three arrives.

Chapter 2: Marco — The Yeerks have killed Elfangor, destroyed his ship, and departed. Later, Marco realizes that, since Elfangor's ship was responsible for concealing their presence, the Yeerks should have noticed him and the others, and he wonders why they didn't (or why they pretended to not). Everyone decides to wait to try out morphing until they meet up later, and then almost everybody proceeds to not wait, and when they meet up later, everyone but Marco has morphed at least once. Also, Marco has a mild freakout about how the Yeerkish ability to read the minds of their hosts is a massive force multiplier. Marco morphs Elfangor, and hears a distress call.

Chapter 3: Rachel — Most of the team (Tobias and Marco aren't present) discuss Elfangor's brother and various things relating to the distress call, how to rescue him, and so on. Rachel morphs a badger, and notes that there's still some amount of residual control that the body has, so it knows how to fly or whatever, but this means that it's impossible to be overwhelmed by the morph's instincts. She then experiments with some other morphs, learning about how long it takes, the effects of morphing multiple times in short succession, and so on. Tobias and Marco return. Tobias ate a mouse on the way back, and the team considers whether foreign matter is ejected or morphed around. They discuss how the team ought to be run, and what it's going to do. Rachael morphs Elfangor, then morphs a dog and checks out the Chapmans. As a dog, Rachel can smell their fear. She sends a thought-speech message to the Chapmans, that the Andalites are coming, banking on the idea that the Yeerks will only perceive it as any other thought that the Chapmans might have had.
