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Quotes / Unrealistic Black Hole

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Lt. Col. Samantha Carter: "The singularity is about to explode"?
Martin Lloyd: Yes.
Carter: Everything about that statement is wrong.
— "200," Stargate SG-1

"I cannot say why the end of the hole is a nightclub in Costa Rica, or if it is still a nightclub in Costa Rica, but I can say that you should be very careful when experimenting with the most powerful forces in physics. Sometimes you lose a building and send a man on a long vacation."
Corin Deeth III, Kakos Industries

"By the way, black holes do not suck things up like a vacuum cleaner. If we were to swap out the Sun for an equally massive black hole, nothing much would change for Earth, except that we would freeze to death of course."
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, telling it like it is.

Look out, look out below!
Look out for the gravity hole!
For should you slip
And lose your grip,
Then into space you go!
Ilex's Poem, Outer Wilds

"You try flying Voyager into that black star, Paris, it'll fold, spindle, and mutilate us!"
"Actually, the correct term is 'spaghettification'," chimed in Dr. Zimmerman.
"Then let us go boldly into the unknown like the Italian who invented carbonara."
