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Quotes / Sucks at Dancing

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George: Have you ever seen Elaine dance?
Jerry: Elaine danced?
George: More like a full-body dry heave set to music.
Seinfeld, "The Little Kicks"

You boys better be better miners than you are dancers...
Mission Control, Deep Rock Galactic

Hop Pop, if you wanna win over Sylvia... never do freestyle again!
Anne Boonchuy, Amphibia, "Hop Pop and Lock"

(Th-these movies...! Amazing! [Ore Kid] has a once-in-a-century lack of talent!)
Yosoti, Petal Crash

Perhaps I learned more about dance by witnessing its dark antithesis... I owe Ore Kid and her moves my thanks.
Yosoti, Petal Crash

Jacob: How do you feel, Ben? I think the spirits are angry.
Ben: They're confused, perhaps.
Jacob: I don't think they like this.
Alpharad on Dee's dancing in a haunted theater
