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Quotes / Stalker Shrine

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"A coward's shrine, made in tribute to a woman he loved from afar."
Reynardine on Diego's shrine to Jeanne, Gunnerkrigg Court.

Lady Phenex: Riser said he wanted to come see how his little sister is doing. I'm here to make sure he isn't actually trying to hit on Lady Rias again…
Riser: (nervously chuckling) I told you mother, I'm over it…
Lady Phenex: Right… Because all those photos you still keep of her don't have anything to do with that.

The room was filled with pictures of [John]. His yearbook photos, but also lots of pictures of him in class, pictures she must have taken herself. Oh fuck, there were pictures of him sleeping in his own bed.

Every wall was slathered with hundreds of photos and drawings. Each one depicted Will. They contained thousands of images of Will, from every angle. Some were newspaper clippings, some printed photos, and some charcoal illustrations.
Alana could barely believe it was all real. Some photos were from crime scenes, while others appeared to be taken outside Will's house. A lump formed in her throat as she remembered all the times Will had confessed to her that he felt as though he was being watched or was hearing things in his house. She'd brushed him off every time.
Others were painfully realistic drawings of Will in various sexual positions, almost all dressed in revealing lingerie or bondage gear. Leather straps and lace criss crossed the drawn Will's skin, his face a blend of ecstasy and suffering.
The beta woman bit the inside of her cheek as she saw a picture of Will, clearly cut out from his highschool yearbook. It was from his senior year, when Will would've freshly turned eighteen.
Her stomach felt as if it was filled with ice water, as she noticed that several of the images appeared to have been splattered with a white liquid.
