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Quotes / "Sesame Street" Cred

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"I think every rapper's dream is to make it on Sesame Street."

C.J.: You need to get beyond the Washington echo chamber and speak directly to the people.
Abbey: So, what did you have in mind?
C.J.: I checked out the reject list from your invitation file and there are a few things in here I think you should reconsider: the first of which is Muppets.
Abbey: Pardon?
C.J.: Going on Sesame Street would give you an opportunity to reintroduce yourself as the First Lady who is also a working doctor, and address the press's questions about your work at the clinic. Give a muppet a checkup. Get your message out.
Abbey: No Meet the Press?
C.J.: Mrs. Bartlet...
Abbey: You don't think I could take Russert?
C.J.: Why should you? Only five people are watching and it's the toughest interview on the planet. I want you on the Surgery channel, women's health magazines, the Today Show. Mrs. Russell's ratings bumped considerably when she did her cooking segment. Her chili was so good they're having her back for Christmas.
Abbey: C.J., you're trying to raise my competitive hackles.
C.J.: Mrs. Bartlet, if I were trying to raise your competitive hackles, I'd make you watch Diane Sawyer's duet with Cookie Monster.
