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Quotes / One Side of the Story

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[Niles is sitting having a coffee in Cafe Nervosa when Frasier joins him]
Frasier: [Cheerfully, but slightly too cheerfully] My God, Niles, it's such a glorious day! I walked all the way here. Thirty-two blocks, and Bruno Maglis be damned!
[Frasier sits down]
Frasier: Oh yes, I see the look. I know exactly what it means too. How could I very well say "no" to Diane? She came to me in crisis. [to a passing waitress] Oh, excuse me, a double cappuccino, please, light cinnamon, thank you.
[Frasier sighs happily]
Frasier: Oh, you know, the change in Diane has really been quite gratifying. Dropped her off at the theater today, and there was a smile on her face that I haven't seen in... well, far too many years. Oh, I know what you're thinking. Where did she get the money to do the play? Well, she found a backer!
[pause; Niles, let us note, says not a word]
Frasier: [defensively] It's tax deductible! [the waitress brings his coffee to the table] Thank you. [to Niles, increasingly agitated] Oh, why don't you go ahead and say what you're thinking, Niles? That I'm falling for her again. [sarcastically imitating Niles' voice] "Well, you did bounce in here as though you were on top of the world, and babbling about her smile" — I just don't want to hear it, Niles! I'm simply helping her to get back on her feet and out of my life as quickly as possible.
[Niles starts to open his mouth]
Frasier: No, I don't know how long it's going to take.
[Pause; Niles starts to open his mouth again]
Frasier: [Snapping] Look, I said I don't know! Oh, really, Niles! Curse you, you are the most infuriating busybody! I'm not sitting with you.
[Frasier flounces off in a huff; Niles watches him leave, then picks up his notepad and pen and starts writing]
Frasier, "The Show Where Diane Comes Back"
