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Quotes / I've Heard of That — What Is It?

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Callie: I know that big machine! It's the... y'know... the thing!
Marie: You sure have a weird definition of "know."

SpongeBob: Patrick, you're not really not my friend. It's just Opposite Day!
Patrick: Opposite Day? Hey, I've heard of that!
SpongeBob: You have?
Patrick: No! What is it?
SpongeBob SquarePants, "Opposite Day"

Lola: Oh my gosh! I'm so excited! It's the Louvre! I love the Louvre, oh, I am a Louvre lover! You can't help but fall in love when you're at the Louvre, surrounded by so many beautiful things! Beautiful, expensive things. The Louvre is the most incredible place in the world!
(the scene shifts inside the Louvre)
Lola: The Louvre is an art museum? I thought it was a mall... Oh well, when in Rome.
The Looney Tunes Show, "Eligible Bachelors"

Blackadder: Sir Talbot represented the constituency of Dunny-on-the-Wold, and, by an extraordinary stroke of luck, it is a rotten borough.
George: Really! Is it! Well, lucky-lucky us. Lucky-lucky-luck.(as a chicken) Luck-luck-LAKK-LAKK-LAKK-LAKK-cluck-cluck-cluck-cluck-cluck-LAKK-LAKK-LAKK.
Blackadder: You don't know what a rotten borough is, do you, sir.
George: No.
Blackadder: So what was the chicken impression in aid of?
George: Well, I just didn't want to hurt your feelings. So what is a rubber button?

Naru: Oh! Hey! By the way, did you hear Sailor V made another appearance the other night?
Usagi: What? Sailor V?
Naru: Yeah! I heard that she caught a jewelry thief this time!
Usagi: Wow! That's amazing!
Naru: I know!
Usagi: Who is Sailor V, anyway?
Naru: Don't act impressed if you don't know what I'm talking about!

Catherine: Hey, squirt, come here! I was online and found some stuff you might want to use for your paper.
Francine: Oh, thanks, but I finished it already. Hey, this is my paper!
Catherine: You mean, you already used some of this information?
Francine: I used the whole thing. It was perfect for the topic, so I cut and pasted it into a new document and added a title.
Catherine: Francine, you can't do that!
Francine: Why not?
Catherine: Because that's plagiarism, that's why.
Francine: No, it isn't, it's finishing your work early so you can enjoy Thanksgiving. (beat) What's... plagiarism?
Catherine: It’s when you take someone else's work and claim it's your own. It's basically stealing.
Francine: But I already handed it in! So... you think I can get an F?
Catherine: Worse. You could be suspended.
Arthur, "Francine's Pilfered Paper"
