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Quotes / Horizon Zero Dawn

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Varl: (Regarding the death of his sister, Vala) She died saving the others. There's no better death.

Sylens: I've done all I can. From here on out, the rest is up to you.
Aloy: ...Where will you go?
Sylens: Elsewhere — and everywhere. There's so much more to discover before the world ends.
Aloy: And all this?
Sylens: I leave it to you, of course. As it turned out, it was yours all along. I was merely... trespassing.

Erend: You know what? When we met, I thought I was a big shot talking to a pretty girl hidden away in the middle of nowhere. Now I see that I was just lucky to get a minute of your time. Try not to forget about me while you're out there changing the world.
Aloy: I'll always have a minute for you. Maybe even two.
Erend: Two? Ha. She likes me.

Aloy: I'm guessing you're not part of the Hunter's Lodge.
Lauvuk: Every tribe claims they were the first to have hunting grounds. And every tribe claims the Carja stole it from them.
Aloy: So who was the first?
Lauvuk: We were.
Aloy: And the Carja stole it from you.
Lauvuk: That's right.

Aloy: They call you a Sun God who killed his own father in order to unite the tribes in harmony. Is any of it true?
Avad: They say you can see the invisible, split an arrow at fifty paces, and tame machines at a glance. How much of that is true?
Aloy: It's not too far off.
Avad: Well, I would like to unite the tribes in harmony. But you saw how many courtiers I have to deal with first. Maybe next week.

Enjuk: But as you say, it's one of seven, isn't it? The great Montana Recreations must have made more... but time has scattered them. The great Montana Recreations, the perhaps the finest natural scholar the Old World ever produced. His voice claims responsibility for the totems, the vessels for the knowledge he accumulated. Someday, perhaps, if I am persistent, I can earn his name... Enjuk Recreations.

Aloy: What sort of ritual were these vessels made for?
Studious Pallas: I'm convinced they were used in conjunction with each other in sets. Some people believe they were used for tea ceremonies. Others think they held sacred essences and oils for worship. But I believe they were used for the solemn custom of shaving one's beard. One for water, one for lotion, and so on. Each fluid in its special vessel, majestically applied to the face, at each stage of the rite. It must have been breathtaking! But which vessel was used for which? I have to know. I have to continue my research!
Aloy: Are you sure people didn't just drink out of them?
Studious Pallas: Drink? Out of such finely crafted earthenware? Don't be ridiculous!

Elisabet Sobeck: It was a children's electronics kit, but I'd hacked the wiring to an auto battery and solar PV, so the grass caught fire. And so did a tall pine that'd stood there, I don't know, maybe a hundred years... My mother was home, thank god, so she called the fire department and after, she took me out on the lawn and showed me the dead baby birds. Because there were nests in the pine tree.
GAIA: Query. What did you feel?
Sobeck: I'm not sure. I remember yelling that I didn't care. And that's when my mother took my face in her hands and spoke.
GAIA: Query. What did she say?
Sobeck: She said I had to care. She said, "Elisabet, being smart will count for nothing if you don't make the world better. You have to use your smarts to count for something, to serve life, not death."
GAIA: You often tell stories of your mother. But you are childless.
Sobeck: I never had time. I guess it was for the best.
GAIA: If you had had a child, Elisabet, what would you have wished for him or her?
Sobeck: I guess... I would have wanted her to be... curious. And willful — unstoppable, even... but with enough compassion to... heal the world... just a little bit.

Charles Ronson: I'm locked out of core control— Alpha clearance overridden—What the hell is Omega clearance?
(Ted Faro appears via hologram)
Samina Ebadji: Oh no.
Ted Faro: Alpha Personnel... Sorry to alarm you, but... I need you to listen, okay? To what I'm about to say. This isn't easy. See, I've... uh, Please, stop trying to access the system, okay? See, what this is about... is... I said stop trying to access the goddamn system! What I'm trying to say is, I can't stop thinking about the ones who'll come after us. Those innocents. Those blameless men—and, and women. We're going to give them knowledge? Like it's a gift?!
Samina: Ted. Ted, we've talked about this before. APOLLO has three thousand plus failsafe conditions—
Faro : It's not a gift, it's a disease! They're the cure, and we're going to give them the disease? Our disease?! No. We can't. And it's not too late... if we're willing to sacrifice.
Samina: Ted, it doesn't need to be like this.
Faro: It already is, Samina. I did it three minutes ago. I've purged APOLLO. It's gone, all of it. Every copy.
Charles: A sacrifice? It's not a sacrifice, it's cultural obliteration, you crazy bastard—millennia of culture—
Faro: I'm sorry. Really, I am. But sometimes, to protect innocents... innocents have to die.
Synthetic Voice : Emergency alert. Venting atmosphere.
