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Quotes / Fictional Holiday

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"Believing my brother when he said the next day was Pajama Day at school."
Greg Heffley, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, "Do-it-Yourself Book"

SpongeBob: "Do you know what today is?"
Squidward: "Annoy Squidward Day?"
SpongeBob: "No, silly— that's on the 15th!"
SpongeBob SquarePants, "Employee of the Month"

Capt. Jean-luc Picard: "I don't know why we have to do this every year. I thought that last year the teachers had agreed that they wouldn't do this anymore."
Counsellor Deanna Troi: "Captain Picard Day is one of the children's favourite school activities. They look forward to it all year."
Picard: "Why does it have to be me?"
Troi: "Because you're the captain and they look up to you. You're a role model for them."

Neelix: "I don't suppose you've ever heard of the Vulcan Rumarie?"
Tuvok: "The Rumarie is an ancient pagan festival."
Neelix: "Full of barely-clothed Vulcan men and women covered in slippery Rillan grease, chasing one another."
Tuvok: "That has not been observed for a millennium."
Neelix: "Well, it's time to bring it back."
Star Trek: Voyager, "Meld"

"It's still Cuddle Day."
Doc McStuffins, "A Day Without Cuddles"
