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Quotes / Comic-Book Movies Don't Use Codenames

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"What's a Magneto? ...'Sabretooth'? 'Storm'? What do they call you? 'Wheels'? This is the stupidest thing I ever heard."
Wolverine (to Professor X), X-Men Film Series

"Relax, pal. It's cool to have a codename. It's not that weird."
Rhoman Dey (to Star-Lord), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Korrath the Pursuer: Star-Lord!
Peter Quill: (smiling with satisfaction) FINALLY!

"You're out there wearing that goofy thing, lighting up cars, calling yourself 'The Shocker'? 'I'm the Shocker! I shock people!' What is this, pro wrestling?"
Adrian Toomes (mocking the Shocker), Spider-Man: Homecoming

Peter Parker: I'm Peter, by the way.
Stephen Strange: Doctor Strange.
Peter Parker: Oh, we're using our made-up names. Um... I'm Spider-Man, then.

Agent Woo: After unspecified experimentation with the Mind Stone, Maximoff gained telekinetic and telepathic abilities.
Director Hayward: Back up, Jimmy. Does Maximoff have an alias?
Agent Woo: No, sir.
Director Hayward: No funny nickname?
Agent Woo: Not a one.
Director Hayward: [looks surprised]
WandaVision, "On a Very Special Episode"

Oliver: I think the vigilante needs a better codename than "the Hood" or "the hood guy".
Malcolm: I agree. How about...Green Arrow?
Oliver: Lame.

Oliver: Last month, you took on a man named Leonard Snart—
Barry: We call him Captain Cold.
Oliver: We can talk about you giving your enemies silly codenames later.
Barry: You mean, like, over coffee with Deathstroke and the Huntress?
Oliver: The point is...

Diana: I'm off, Mother. I'm going to defeat Ares, fight in the great war, and become the hero that everyone will soon call Wonder Woman.
Hippolyta: No one will call you that.
Diana: What?
Hippolyta: No one will call you that, like, nobody.
Diana: You mean they never worked that in, not even as a joke?
Hippolyta: Nope.
Diana: Oh my God. We're gonna be Fant4stic! They never said their name either! We're gonna be Fant4stic?! Oh, my God!

Trish Walker: Jewel is a great superhero name!
Jessica Jones: "Jewel" is a stripper's name, a really slutty stripper. And if I wear that thing, you're gonna have to call me Cameltoe.

In gritty, realistic reboots they like to often just dance around names because THE NAMES are the cheesiest part about whatever the fantasy is.

Meet four people who are never referred to as Mr. Fantastic, The Thing, Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, or the Fantastic Four.
