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Quotes / Better as a Let's Play

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I joked about Sonic Boom being more endurance test than game, but that seems to be the sole intention of Six Days, Seven Nights; an endurance test not to be played for fun, but recorded for you to scream all over for the benefit of your YouTube followers.

A while back, I wanted to make the point that there seemed to be an awful lot of anime dating sims sprouting up on Steam the way looters show up on a ruined battlefield, and I illustrated this point with a screenshot of the first one I saw on the listing, which happened to be Doki Doki Literature Club!, and the response in the comments was like I'd accidentally rested my beer on the gravestone of an abuse victim. "Hohohohoho! If only you knew what you'd done!" sang my correspondence. What? What have I done? "Ooh, we can't tell you. You have to play it for yours—" Parody game, got it, don't care, now get off my fucking lawn. Then I started noticing a couple of words floating around the Steam tags and the reviews, words like "Psychological Horror" and "Disturbing", and I was like, "Oh, right; one of those Five Nights at Freddy's arrangements, a game designed not to be played and enjoyed, but to be reacted to on a stream or hilarious YouTube video, 'cos God knows it's hard to amuse 500 baboons at once without investing in a banana truck."
Yahtzee Croshaw, Zero Punctuation
