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Quotes / Afraid of Needles

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The needle was four feet long and thick as a pencil. I tried to run but the doctor had been a olympic javelin champion.
Medical Mel, Dilbert

Nobody likes shots honey!

Trypanophobia is the extreme and irrational fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. It is occasionally referred to as aichmophobia, belonephobia, or enetophobia, names that are technically incorrect because they simply denote a "fear of pins/needles" and do not refer to the medical aspect of trypanophobia.

"What's that? Is that a shot? Are you going to... AAUGHH! It went clear through my arm! Ow ow ow ow!!! I'm dying! I hope you've paid your malpractice insurance, you quack!"

Toph: Well, there's one other thing we could try. [stomps her foot and catches something that flew out from the forest] Acupuncture! [grins widely as the porcupine's needles pop out]
Aang: [looks up] UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! [runs away]

Amy: Wait, are you afraid of needles?
Rosa: I don't like being stabbed someone so they can steal my blood. I'm crazy!

"Doctor, listen please, no needles now for me."
Unnamed Boy, "Sick"

"I don't like needles myself."
Ash in a discussion of phobias, Fantastic Mr. Fox

"No needles. I hate needles!"
Lynn Loud Sr., The Loud House Movie

Tommy Pickles: 'Booster shot'? What's that?
Chuckie Finster: The most terrible thing that'll ever happen to ya!
Tommy: What is it, Chuckie?
Chuckie: It's not a very pretty story, but here goes: first they put you in this little room, and make you sit on a freezing cold ironing board. Then, the doctor comes in, pretending he's real nice, like he's your best friend... [...] Then, oh and then... he changes! He goes from being a nice old guy who smells funny, to a crazy old guy who smells funny! And he's got the shot! (screams) And then... and then...
Tommy: Then what, Chuckie?
Chuckie: And then they hold you down and they give you the shot, and you cry and you cry and then the doctor says, 'There now. That wasn't so bad, was it?'... But it is bad, Tommy. Real bad!
Rugrats, "The Shot"

"They stuck a long, sharp thing in my neck and it really hurt, and I thought I was going to die, but when they took it out, I felt better."
Bayou, Springy, Pygmalion, and the Sheep Stories, "Sick Bayou"

"Many people do not like needles."
Baymax just as a patient has driven away from getting a histamine shot from him, Baymax!

"But the mere sight of a needle makes me pass out, I can't even knit!"
Mrs. Betty Slocombe, Are You Being Served?

Bowser Junior: Am I getting another needle?
Neil: Yup. Sorry. Ooh, I guess you don't like needles. Your heart started racing.
Junior: (hiding in his shell) I'm not doing it!
Bowser: (picking him up) Junior. Come on. Don't make me pop you out of there.
Junior: I said I'm not doing it!
Bowser: Do you think this is fun for me? It's not! It's as scary as it was for you to watch me have heart attacks. We're doing this so you don't have to go through what I did.
Junior: It's still a million years away!
Bowser: It's—
Judy: (entering the room) Hello!
Judy: (cheerfully) Uh oh! Bad day?
Bowser: Something like that. Junior, last chance. Come out, or I'm popping you out.
Junior: I'm not! I'm not, I'm not, I'm NOT!
Super Mario Bros. fanfic Liminal Lacuna (Chapter 3)

"(I don't want another rabies shot!)"
Snoopy, Peanuts
