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Playing With / Wedding Ring Removal

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Basic Trope: A character takes off their wedding ring for some important, meaningful reason.

  • Straight: Bob is married to Alice, but is about to have an affair with Carol. Just before he does so, he takes off his wedding ring.
  • Exaggerated: Bob guiltily takes off his wedding ring before doing just about anything that he thinks Alice wouldn't approve of, like listening to music that she doesn't like.
  • Downplayed: Bob is about to have an affair with Carol. He is never seen actually taking off his wedding ring, but a sharp-eyed viewer might notice that in the scenes with Bob and Carol he is never wearing it.
  • Justified:
    • Bob doesn't want to be reminded of his marriage to Alice when he's with Carol (either due to guilt or the fact it would spoil things).
    • Carol doesn't realise that Bob is a married man and she might not stay with him if she knew.
    • Bob is at the jeweler to have it fixed. (bonus points if Alice's ring is getting the same treatment)
  • Inverted: Bob is always sure to have his wedding ring on when he's sleeping with Carol, because she's especially turned on by married men.
  • Subverted: There's a close-up scene of Bob's hands as he removes his wedding ring, accompanied by dramatic music — because he's about to fix a dodgy electrical circuit, and it'd be very dangerous to be wearing a ring while doing so.
  • Double Subverted: …and then Carol enters the room and kisses him thank-you. Bob has been having an affair with her — and also fixing things in her apartment for her.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Alice and Bob are married, and Bob is having an affair with Carol, but neither Bob nor Alice's wedding rings are ever mentioned in this context.
  • Enforced: Alice and Bob are married, and Bob is having an affair with Carol. In the original script Bob's wedding ring was never mentioned, but the show has an exclusive advertising contract with a jewellery company, who demand that the creators include several lingering shots of Bob taking off his gorgeous, expensive wedding ring and placing it on a table, in order to promote their products.
  • Lampshaded: Carol points out how careful Bob is to always take of his wedding ring when he's going to see her.
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: One of Bob's coworkers, Charlie, hates him and wants to steal his wedding ring as a cruel prank. He knows Bob normally wears his wedding ring all the time, but takes it off when he goes to see his mistress. Since Bob will visit Carol on Tuesday, Charlie plans to make an attempt on the ring then.
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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