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Playing With / Wacky Cravings

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Basic Trope: A pregnant woman gets very strong cravings, often for very odd food, usually sending her husband out to get it.

  • Straight: Jane, who's pregnant, sends John out for cherry-flavored ice cream and pickled pigs' feet.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Jane asks John to pick up a hamburger from a local Burger Fool, which is odd because she doesn't like hamburgers.
  • Justified: This is in fact Truth in Television, some women do crave strange things during pregnancy.
  • Inverted: Jane, which is usually a very, very Big Eater who likes to eat odd things daily, suddenly craves something 'normal', like orange juice.
  • Subverted: Jane was just kidding, but she does want John to buy her some apples...
  • Double Subverted: ...With cheese and cucumbers on it!
  • Parodied:
    • Jane sends John out for a metric ton of surströmming. And she wolfs it down like a literal pig when he brings it to her. With nose plugs, of course.
    • Jane sends John out for a particular brand of foodstuff that sends John traveling across five states and climbing a mountain to get it, but by the time he gets home she no longer craves it.
    • John gets Wacky Cravings, leading everyone to discover that John is a Mister Seahorse.
    • Jane's avid desire for copious amounts of multigrain bread and distilled water is treated as Wacky Cravings (rye bread and tap water being preferred where she lives).
    • Jane craves pickled, deep-fried liver and onions despite not even being pregnant.
  • Zig-Zagged: Jane's diet isn't thought of by the characters as unusual, until the viewers see what she's eating. Hilarity Ensues!
  • Averted: Jane's diet doesn't change during her pregnancy at all.
  • Enforced: "We need to reference Jane's pregnancy and throw in some quick jokes in the process ... I know! Jane can send John out for pickles and ice cream!"
  • Lampshaded: "Why do some women have the weirdest cravings?"
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob serve Jane cherry ice cream and pickled pigs' feet together early in her pregnancy, hoping she'll like them.
  • Exploited: John stocks up on odd and unusual foods when he learns Jane is pregnant.
  • Defied: Jane is a very Picky Eater, refusing to eat anything she didn't eat when not pregnant.
  • Discussed: "I heard last time Jane was pregnant she sent John out for coleslaw with apples and strawberries on top!"
  • Conversed: "Here we go again! Another pregnant woman craving pickles and ice cream or something equally absurd!"
  • Implied: Jane is seen lying on the sofa content, an empty gallon-tub of ice cream and an empty pickle jar on the floor next to her hand.
  • Deconstructed: Jane asks for something so strange and outlandish, that John has to travel all the way to the other side of the city to a small restaurant, and John gets fed up having to go that far.
  • Reconstructed: John is a very devoted husband.
  • Played for Drama: Jane gets craving for some pretty disturbing stuff like live frogs, signaling something is not quite right...
  • Played for Laughs: Jane craves helium, which makes her voice high and makes her and John laugh.

Before you go back to Wacky Cravings, why don't you do me a favor and make me a peanut butter and cheese sandwich ... with onions and strawberries on top!
